BTC Daily: Standard Deviations and Better MAFFS! Rule this game

By stepstones
Daily Bitcoin TF shows that once again ... standard deviations and rule this game.

* The start of today's candle got an indication from Reverse WaveTrend to sell, and down it went ... and then ...
* The downward wick of today's candle (so far) hit not just the Daily 1SD to the downside ... it also hit at that same place, the Markzillator Ephemeral Power Mean, AND the Rev Fisher Stop Line!
* Once again ... that was a perfect entry with the BApig Indicators, with a relatively quick ascent to a profitable point, with 3 Better MAFFS! indicators right there, and that's without the additional confirmations below.
* Impossible RSI flattening out in its descent, as MOM continues to head to the upside, even if slowing down a little.
* Of course if price heads south again, I could close it in profit or wait for tomorrow (as it is a daily tf trade) to see how it plays out.
* So far, it looks good to the upside on the lower TFs. impossible RSI and MOM, for instance, on the 2h, are looking ripe for a good rise today.
* Of course keep in mind it's the first Friday of the month. So there should be plenty of good volatility today, as usual.

h/t to balipour and his crew for making these BApig Indicators! They make trading volatility accessible, learnable, relatively easy. See his Published Scripts page right here on TradingView and look at all the amazing tools he gives out, entirely for free! This man and the team he leads, surely deserves some kind of prize for being so generous with a community of traders! They are truly the most underappreciated group of indicator makers here on TradingView. What they have done for traders is frankly, revolutionary. This changes the game. Reddit, WallStreetBets (the new bane of careless hedge fund managers) ain't seen nothin', yet. You just wait 'till every in-the-know or smart Retail Trader starts trading with these tools. It'll make what happened with GameStop, AMC et al, look like child's play.

Wall Street thinks you're the dumb money. Yes, I'm talking to you. You're on TV. They assume you're an idiot. Don't be offended. Emotions have no place in trading. Use their assumptions against them. These tools are designed to give you an edge, and the proof is in the pudding. They give you both sides of the equation, so you never have to wonder "up or down?" like all the clueless fools who use voodoo TA and other gimmicks that all use poor maths or no maths at all. The probabilities and statistics that the BApig Indicators give you, tell you precisely the likelihood. Don't just take my word for it! See it for yourself.

As the bitcoin mantra goes; Don't trust. Verify.

The best part about BApig indicator trading tools: You do not need to be great at maths! They did all that work for you! Their latest Probability Cone with Kelly Ratio indicator (one of their premium indicators with an extremely high rate of accuracy) even gives you the position size, optimal leverage and take profit and stop loss numbers right on a panel on the chart! This saves you valuable time and effort, especially if you like to scalp low TFs, and time is of the essence!

All you have to do, is learn to use the indicators, and there are free-to-join online communities on discord set up to help you do that.

Of course, this is all my opinion. Do your own research. You are responsible for your own trades and actions. Don't invest anything you can't afford to lose. yada yada yadadadadada.
bapigBeyond Technical AnalysisTechnical IndicatorsStandard Deviation (Volatility)
Join Alpha Trading's discord at to get free access to the Volatility Starter pack of indicators and chart!
