For those using GDAX.......

By Artesp
GDAX is announcing Scheduled Maintenance:

From their website: (Pls check their website {} yourselves.)

We (GDAX) will be performing scheduled maintenance on Wednesday, January 31 from 9:00 PM PST to 11:00 PM PST.
All resting orders will remain in force. Customers will be able to cancel resting orders prior to live trading resuming.
Full Schedule:
9:00 PM PST: GDAX API and website will be offline.
11:00 PM PST: All markets will enter post-only mode for a minimum of 10 minutes. Post-only limit orders will be accepted, but no matches will occur. You may also cancel any resting order during this period.
11:10 PM PST: All markets will enter limit-only mode for a minimum of 10 minutes. Limit orders will be accepted and may be matched. Market orders will not be accepted.
11:20 PM PST: All markets will enter full-trading mode
Beyond Technical Analysisheads
