Update on Previous ideas. Bull Trap

By StunnerStock
Price is not showing bullish strength.

THERE IS NO CONTINUATION IN bullish momentum and price is facing massive rejections from top of range.

Do remember, what does achieves MAX PAIN ?
Longs are trapped and by using them market would go down.
Longs want 37k or more but BTC is not even breaking 32k.

Majority like myself were hoping after seeing couple of pump for big breakout but doesn't seem like it.

I am being honest and telling you what i know.

LONGS are trapped.
SHORTS are having a field day and LONGS are the ones who would suffer MAX DAMAGE.

Therefore, be warned long.

PLEASE NOTE, i am not saying that be short but have tight STOP LOSSES for now.

Not a financial advice. TRADE at your own risk.
Beyond Technical Analysisbulltrap
