
The balance of thinking of modern traders

If you have made the decision to pursue a career as a trader and are on the path to mastering this profession, it doesn't matter which trading direction you prefer—whether it's intraday crypto trading, Forex trading, or stock trading on the stock market—you will inevitably face a choice:

Option 1: Freedom To be a free trader means being someone who learns from others, gains knowledge and insights from their experiences, and studies other people's trading strategies. However, based on the acquired knowledge, a free trader creates and develops their own trading methods, taking personal responsibility for their successes and failures.

Option 2: Dependence To be a dependent trader means relying on others instead of learning to trade independently. This type of trader solely depends on trading signal providers or advice from various specialists. They blindly copy other people's methods and systems, hoping to discover a secret formula for success, which can take a significant amount of time to find.

Why are we willing to give away our money so easily? In my opinion, choosing personal responsibility goes beyond just trading. It's a fundamental decision that extends beyond selecting a trading style and method. Embracing personal responsibility means making our own choices, taking independent action, and fully accepting the consequences of those decisions.
Think honestly and ask yourself: Would you be willing to entrust your own funds to a complete stranger for investment purposes? Would you willingly hand over a substantial amount of money, hoping that they would generate profits and return your investment with decent interest? Most likely not. Perhaps even the thought of it evokes a sarcastic smile.
Now, let's examine the situation from a different perspective. Isn't relying on someone else's trading signals and recommendations essentially the same? By executing trade operations based on the advice of an unknown person, you are essentially granting them control over your trading capital. Isn't that a high level of risk?

Therefore, in this article, I'm addressing those individuals who are interested in trading but are unsure whether they should completely forgo learning the trade and instead rely on subscribing to other people's trading recommendations, signals, or purchasing trading robots.
The choice is yours: either educate yourself, gain knowledge, and be in control of your trading decisions, taking personal responsibility for your outcomes, or rely on others and relinquish a significant degree of control. Of course, you can always choose to discontinue the services of a trading signal provider, but often it's too late when the majority of your deposit is already lost, and there is no one to hold accountable since you voluntarily used the signals. Isn't that true?

Consider which thinking style resonates more with you personally. After reading about each trading thought style, ask yourself which one you lean toward.
Dependent Trader A dependent trader seeks shortcuts. They desire wealth but are unwilling to put in substantial effort to achieve it. They live in a world of dreams.
These individuals are often those who wish for great things in life but instead of attempting to create something on their own, they resort to buying lottery tickets, gambling, or investing in dubious projects that so-called "financial advisors" assure will yield fantastic profits. In exchange for a slice of the pie (which is unlikely to materialize), such individuals are willing to risk money that could have been invested in their own education to acquire at least basic financial literacy.

A dependent trader tends to follow the crowd in the market, which often makes irrational and emotion-driven decisions. They rely on "hot signals" to make trading decisions, seek out automated trading programs, and pay attention to all the news and so-called experts. Often, they place trades blindly without a trading plan, acting recklessly without understanding the rationale behind their actions.
As a result, such actions inevitably lead to losses, which cause disappointment, emotional breakdowns, and bitterness towards everyone except themselves. The trader starts blaming others for their troubles and misfortunes, whether it's the broker, the provider of trading signals, the stock analyst, or the mythical "puppet master" who supposedly manipulates the market and takes money from honest traders.
This inability to accept responsibility for one's decisions and the inclination to blame others perpetuate a behavioral pattern that leads to repeated failures, making any success short-lived, if it ever occurs. Unless this pattern of behavior is consciously changed, it will continue to repeat itself.

Free-Thinking Trader At the other end of the spectrum is the free-thinking trader. This type of trader seeks to control their financial future. They want to understand how markets work, explore different trading approaches, and assert their own trading decisions without relying on external advice.
An independent trader recognizes that they alone can maximize their chances of success and achieve their financial and life goals. They actively seek opportunities to learn from successful traders, study and learn from their own failures and the failures of others, and gain experience.

Can you perceive the difference in mindset and approach to trading? Becoming a profitable trader takes time, but an independent trader is willing to invest in learning, leverage the experiences of others, and ultimately be in control of their decisions. They don't rely on others to make trading decisions for them.
While a dependent trader blindly trusts the advice and recommendations of others, an independent trader tests hypotheses, seeks to understand how a particular method works and why it works.
At the beginning of their trading journey, an independent trader may utilize the services of a mentor or rely on other reliable sources of education. However, as their knowledge and experience grow, they begin to implement what they have learned independently. A dependent trader would never do this.
4 Steps to Trader Independence What can you do to develop the qualities of an independent trader?
1.Seek information. Read extensively, conduct research, and test any ideas that you believe have merit. Seek assistance, but understand that no single article, book, or forum can provide all the information you need. You must piece together the information puzzle. If you can seek the help of others, it will significantly expedite the process.

2.Clearly define what you want from the market and identify your preferred trading style and orientation. Are you a day trader, swing trader, or long-term investor? Determine what aligns best with your temperament and psychological suitability. Assess the amount of discretionary funds you have available. Once you have answers to these questions, you can begin developing a basic trading plan.

3.Start implementing your trading plan in the market. It's ideal to begin with a demo account. This allows you to evaluate how well your chosen trading strategy performs in real-time and how effectively you can adhere to the established methods and rules.
The decision of when to transition to real money trading is up to you. There's no universal solution here. Some traders switch to real accounts after several months of consistent profits, while others may require at least six months or longer. This is normal since every individual is different and has their own perception of reality.
The transition to real money trading is typically challenging. Only when you face the possibility of losing real money and experiencing actual profits will you truly understand the psychological stress involved. Therefore, start with a small real account so that any losses won't cause significant financial or emotional harm. Only after gaining confidence and psychological stability should you consider increasing your trading capital.
Continuous improvement is crucial. You must constantly strive to enhance your trading skills, learn new concepts, and apply acquired knowledge in practice. There's much to understand and absorb. Becoming a trader is a long journey that requires time, financial resources, and emotional and psychological commitment. Consider these as tuition fees.

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✅Disclaimer: Please be aware of the risks involved in trading. This idea was made for educational purposes only not for financial Investment Purposes.
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