I'm not in a trade position right now. Waiting to see what small next steps BTC does, before determining next path.
It's in a tricky spot at the moment, and I don't like betting with my investments without clarity.
It looks more Bullish on BitMex than it does on Bitfinex.
If I'm on charts at the time, I should be able to alert before a big move.
If BTC will jump, it will happen sooner. If it will drop, it will take longer to happen.
At most I may catch some quick Altcoin scalps if I see the opportunity (I did catch some decent Longs on ETH & ADA before bed).
I avoid trades I don't feel very confident about (and rarely take losses).
Yes this could cause me to miss some big moves,
However I much prefer see my BTC balance grow little by little:
+ve, +ve, +ve... after each trade,
than see-sawing up & down.
Big Losses are much easier than Big Wins.