Bitcoin - An outlook for the future and some thoughts

Hello everybody,

This is my first post and I would like to give you some deeper thoughts on Bitcoin for you to think about and I would love to talk with you guys and share some knowledge.
Generally I am a Scalper, Daytrader mostly in Forex but also in Cryptos and Stocks because what works on one side might work on the other...
But we are not here to think but to act and let the market tell us what to do according to our rules. The tricky part is that we as retail traders have a lack of deeper insights and knowledge which only the big guys got way ahead of News and of us. So lately with Bitcoin we see a similar thing.
At first this was a great new tool for enthusiasts and others. Later more and more people jumped on and well... we all know the bubble popped and a massive downtrend took place. But I want to tell you not what you already know but more thoughts about the background of Bitcoin.

So it seemed like a great opportunity but what now?

Well, actually the answer to this might be a lot deeper than what you would expect.
Bitcoin was the first Cryptocurrency and look at it now. Go to coinmarketcap or others and look how far we´ve come.
But what for? Did you really think Bitcoin would make you rich? Maybe it made some people rich who invested early enough but does this change the world? Look at it now? People must ask themselves if it really is reliable? What about all the other Cryptos, Blockchain technology and so on?

People might think: "Well, maybe the time wasn´t right or maybe Cryptos aren´t ready for the public yet"?
No. There is a reason why all of this happened.

I am really no friend of speculations or some fancy theories but there is clear evidence if you take a deeper look at it that Bitcoin wasn´t made by some mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto who nobody ever saw or worked with. The people who worked with "him" couldn´t proof that and besides that it´s highly questionable how someone could´ve done that without others ever finding out his real identity.
But these are just speculations too. It get´s interesting when you think about something else: What if the NSA or employees of the NSA or other "organisations" have created a workplace and concept in 1995 which is exactly the concept of blockchain and Bitcoin ? What if this was made by the real powerful people in the background to shift society to something new which is even easier to control and which will be loved by society just because people are mostly lazy, wouldn´t get educated about that matter enough and love it because it was easy to use? Don´t people love using their creditcards and max them out? Why? Because it´s easy for them and because nobody cares ?! What if people, even the smartest ones, get convinced that blockchain and other following concepts will be freedom and are anonymous while the real "owners" and "creators" laugh because it was just too easy to convince everyone to use it.

What exactly has changed since the roman empire? Bread and circuses: latin: "panem et circenses"...
It is always about ruling, dominating and dividing society so that they are way too stressed to think and worry about themselves and don´t have enough time and effort to search for the real people who make their lives so difficult. We are highly developed technologically and you could think that it´s harder for them to rule because people would realize today. But it just got easier !!! People don´t use that technology to get freedom in fact they enslave themselves even more. But what has that to do with Bitcoin? Well, I claim that Bitcoin was made by those exact people to initiate a "revolution" to society which leads to something else: No freedom and even easier mass control. If you don´t wanna go on reading from here that´s fine but to trade and to understand the markets you really need to understand the real motives. So Bitcoin skyrocketing into this world happened right after the 2008 financial crisis which is another big theme to talk about for that matter but it is highly suspicious that we still don´t know who created it officially and so on.

People get told that this is for the people and even sceptics get convinced as long as they get high returns and as long as they can use it.

But what about the future? Well, my theory is this:
Bitcoin already made history and that is important because in economics there are two outcomes for this:
Either Bitcoin (the first business of it´s kind) stays and will lead the world in that area or other Cryptos, Ideas (other businesses) and so on will follow and put Bitcoin out of business because they are better. So what we now see is the second outcome already going on. Ripple (XRP) and others making mindblowing progress on a much bigger scale right now. Why? Because banks are joining the team. Why? Because you wouldn´t believe that the big guys just get overrun by some tech guys and acceppt that they no longer control the financial systems? All for freedom for the people and so on?

It´s just highly unrealistic... ok, but what about Bitcoin? Can we still trade it? Where does it go?
Well, of course we can still trade it and it´s even better now because it gets highly manipulated like every big financial asset and that´s predictable because banks need to make money and we can follow the path just like I do for example with Forex and Stocks.

So to be more precise: I am not here to think and give some strange predictions but my guess is this: I trade according to my strategy and I don´t care if Bicoin goes in a circle because I follow the Banks but why should we see another rally to 20000$, or even 50.000$ or 100.000$?
It would not make sense because others are taking over and will scale up and be better for the user and investor in terms of what I described above.
So everything is possible (which is the most important thing in trading to know and respect) but it´s really unrealistic because it´s not in the interest of the big guys. What if Bitcoin was only the first step of that big puzzle and now comes the second piece (step).

Banks now have a foundation to max. out their profits in another area, transactions will be even faster, cheaper for users/investors and the transactions are all online and CAN be tracked down no matter what anybody claims. Imagine the bigger geopolitical strategies and interests of countries like the USA and China. China is already controlling it´s people by mass surveilance and similar things and this is just another tool for them. The USA and it´s agencies are happy when more and more people will use this modern technology because it´s just easy for them to see what they are doing. It´s all online !
I can go on for hours.

So my guess is that we might see a even bigger range. Because a huge range like you have it in the Forex market can be highly manipulated and create huge returns for the banks who are already in trouble. In fact banks are doing better than in 2008 and the next crisis is just ahead of us but other financial areas are already maxed out and they always need to make profit. Another factor is because Bitcoin is still leading the crypto world (even though others get closer) that we will be still able to trade Bitcoin for a long time in the future but that it just gets less interesting and there is nothing that backs Bitcoin so it´s value could go to 0 over time. But that´s a wild guess.

The more realistic guess is still that we will have a huge range which will happen in the next 6 months and is tradeable for a long time until the banks decide that it´s not anymore. Our economy is highly based on creating debt when creating money and this is and always will cause other financial crisis which will just get worse over time. The big guys know that and they mostly profit from it but even they know that this cannot go on forever because people will freak out over time. So they (being smart) create a new system of how we will use money in the future and sell it to us literally as the new freedom and people will literally buy it and everything will be fine until some more 50-100 years and they have another better idea. The show must go on.

My guess for Ripple also is that there won´t be a massive rally in % like with Bitcoin but still a huge possibility for long term investors.

Also take a look at this documentary because it is backed with facts and explains what I just tried to tell you:

I hope that helped you. Don´t be too harsh with me and yourself and comment if you want.


analysisbackgroundBeyond Technical AnalysisBitcoin (Cryptocurrency)cryptoCryptocurrencyfutureTechnical IndicatorsinsightsstrategyTrend Analysis

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