BTC - Adam and Eve double bottom with confirmation

As I said before, the bottom is in. I'm pretty sure of it. As you can see on this daily chart we have a perfect Adam and Eve double bottom pattern with confirmation. Does that mean we can't retrace a bit? Of course not and we should to some degree. But anybody still calling for prices below 3K is just ignoring the obvious.

Here is a better explanation with examples:

Full Disclosure: I'm long, staying long, and only trading in one direction - LONG! If we pull back a lot or a little guess what I'm going to do? Stay long and add to my current position. Did I mention I was LONG? :0)

Good luck and don't let this FOMO scare you if you are hell bent on shorting to zero.
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Oh yeah, if you like this post or agree with my analysis hit the like button so that other people may see it too. Quit being so selfish. lol :o)
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As time goes on the extreme bottom of any future retrace is getting higher and higher. In the next week or so $4200 may be the absolute lowest possible retrace without completely invalidating this bottom call.

I still think those calling for sub 3K prices are missing the boat but that's their problem. By the time EVERYBODY accepts the fact that this ship has already set sail many will be left on the beach wondering WTF just happened? And lamenting about how they could have, would have, and should have. Or as I like to say "woulda, coulda, shoulda." lol

As always, this is just my 2 Satoshi on the matter.
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Called the bottom and still long.

5 Fucking thumbs up for all my effort?

Fuck this. You guys are on your own. Go follow Shitty McPoop Stain.
I just read my last comment several months later. Sorry about the language but I was a bit frustrated with the lack of group participation at the time. lol
adamBitcoin (Cryptocurrency)bottomBTCBullish PatternsChart PatternseveTechnical IndicatorsLONGpatternTrend Analysis
