No, Shake Shack will not be accepting Bitcoin as a form of payment anytime soon.
But as a follow up to the Bitcoin and avocado phenomenon, it was only natural to see if there was another similar price pattern hugging phenomenon with another millennial lovin’ stock. And wah-lah!
Bitcoin and burgers. Mmmmmm.
But nevertheless, just look at this tango going on!

I mean, who are we kidding? Both are in HOT fashion these days.

Who can resist a bite of two juicy, lip smacking beef patties coupled with that zesty smoked bacon intertwined with a hint of spiced up cherry red peppers — only in anticipation of getting flushed down by a couple of crispy, crunchy, salty, potato-y goodness(!)? Apparently not many, as their store openings globally continue to tenfold with an anticipated 2nd store opening here in Shanghai; right in the heart of Jing’an’s bustling shopping center.

And who doesn’t want a piece of that digital cool with the ultimatum of overthrowing the corrupt central bankers who’s hands have been responsible for making YOU unable to pay off your student loans (and not because you decided to use your hard earned lunch money on those luscious Double Smoke Shack Burgers), unable to buy a house, and on top of the myriad complaints that come out of our millennials about the almighty financial sovereignty we are destined for.

But what can be attributed to the almost lock step price action the two have been mirroring off of each other? Well, besides over exuberance and hype, there are many similarities the two share:

-Both came to fruition last decade.
-Both are beloved by millennials.
-A typical order at Shake Shack takes 10 minutes, whereas it takes 10 minutes for a block to be verified on the bitcoin blockchain.
-The bitcoin ledger is public, SHAK is also public.
-Both are challenging the status quo: SHAK is to MCD as BTC is to the FED.
-Everyone wants to have some.
-And both will make you deplete your money. Fast, one way or the other.

There’s no denying that both have been on a price action tear with YTD growth rates of 120% for SHAK and 125% for BTC. In the end could both be attributed to our influential millennials’ purchasing power that are spurring both up to record highs?
Let me know your thoughts.
For now, it’s probably safe to say without reasonable doubt, Shake Shack is the bitcoin of all burgers.

Beyond Technical AnalysisBitcoin (Cryptocurrency)shakeshackTrend Analysis
