Blockchain and it's potential to revolutionize medicine

By Cryptocautious
Does anyone remember a project called "folding?" Major Medical Schools and think tanks were soliciting idle computing power from people on the internet toward the greater goal of medical discoveries via the nearly infinite iterations of protein structures and the differences in how they "folded."
It seems to me that blockchain technology, with so much math behind each coin and each transaction could be harnessed in the same way. This would likely require altruistic data mining , or the minting of a new coin - a currency with the potential to HELP in ways that go beyond the tabulation , collection and growth of wealth.
It would require in all likelihood a very specific algorithm which may or may not already exist. Miracles could be brought into place where thus far only digital currency , gaming , gaming currency , a browser and several other Dapps interesting enough for me to have never heard of them. While people used to DONATE idle computing time/power , in this age I believe it is already recognized that such time and power is a commodity that , sufficient to operate blockchain protocol require ASIC's and massive GPU crammed , dedicated hardware or at the very least my dream gaming rig running specific programs.
So..... my question is , when will the amazing mathematical power be applied towards such life saving ends?? Folding as it once was required a good computer and was often used in benchmarking applications.
It is time that a coin be minted to incentivize such endeavors , and in my estimation as the blockchain tech surrounding it is applied to these incredibly complex protein structures , and provided that medical breakthroughs are made based upon such an application, that the coin would without question appreciate in value , and re-define what "proof of work" means in the saving of human (and other) lives.
Just an idea.
Caveat emptor.
altruismBeyond Technical AnalysisblockchaincryptocurescurecancerfoldingmedicineTrend Analysis
