Last One For the Moon Boi inside of me. (BTC bottom in)

By stephencarroll3
This alternate wave count is assuming that our last huge primary A down from 6k already had its sister wave and the bottom is in (I don't think it is, but i prepare for multiple scenarios sometimes on high time frames to stay ahead). For confirmation, watch for it to hold / close dailies near the pink diagonal res if this is the route the market takes us. My only problem with this is according to EW we will begin our 5th wave to complete our grand cycle after this market bottoms here and due to the previous waves since 2011, we are going to have a huge primary wave one and that takes momentum. AKA a big wick down and back up on a HTF. Btc loves to build momentum for wave ones with a wick. A lot of ppl think capitulation is bad for BTC but its not. It's easy to steal momentum from the bears in these cases and use them for added real estate on your bullish impulse wave 1 which then helps back up the resistance on following sub waves also.

Its kinda like pull starting a Ferrari. Doesn't look great at first but you forget once you're driving it.


I added the '15 start of the bull market for visualizing.

Watch blue/pink trend-lines for confirmation of diversion.
Harmonic PatternsTrend AnalysisWave Analysis
