From what I can see, we are leaving the channel we have lived in for just under a year and forming a new one. The question is, what direction does it go in? I am seeing Youtube videos of people who have never invested in anything in their life other that the stock market just before it tanked and are now jumping in and putting it all in to Bitcoin... I see a lot of chat from new people who don't know the difference between Bitcoin (BTC) and Ripple. Follow the arrows for guess/explanation. We are still way over bought, but that doesn't mean we can't go higher. From a TD time momentum perspective, tomorrow tells us to sell, this week tells us to sell, this month tells us to sell. Also, keep in mind, once we find the roof of our new channel, assuming it goes up, we still need to find the basement. I will also be waiting and watching the CME and would not be the least bit surprised it BTC gets shorted in a big way as soon as it gets listed come the 18th. Another high risk trade, but lets see what it does... My guess... higher...