I got a little experimental with the Bitcoin chart after seeing such a strong correlation on cycle one of Litecoin and this cycle. (I did an analysis on this exact this for Litecoin Ill past the chart below). Bitcoin and Litecoin cycles are playing out almost exactly the same as their previous cycles.

As you can see in the chart Bitcoin from the time it came out to when it topped in its first cycle on December Friday the 13th 2013. I took and compared the first wave of cycle one and compared it to the first wave of this current cycle 2 and sound that the time it took this cycle was 5.5 times greater than previous. Measuring that distance to the top of wave three brings bitcoin to July of this year for a wave three top on this much larger degree of trend before a correction. Wave 5 should complete in 2025 around December.

I know I know Bitgolder you're absolutely insane that could never happen. Well you're wrong and chances are it will happen. Do you know how much money in just derivatives there are? As of writing its almost 1 Quadrillion dollars, THATS JUST DERIVATIVES. Thats not including 75% of the rest of the assets in the world. So Bitcoin soaking up 25% of the world per say isn't that unreasonable considering the rich are now finding it as a safe haven for their wealth preservation. Theres always an out for the rich when everything is about to collapse and this time its Bitcoin and maybe gold silver and farmland. After 2025 and around there the world may look totally different. There will be some major financial issues around the world and the entire planet will be in a major global depression. Countries Governments may actually attempt to seize Bitcoin from the population because of how valuable it is. Dollar terms will be irrelevant. Things may even be priced in Bitcoin. Watch Europe. When their bond crisis begins then USA is maybe 6 months a year behind.

With bitcoin reaching the price I predict of around $40 million each in 2025 that would give bitcoin a market cap of 966 Trillon which would be a 1000x from where we are now. I think this scenario is likely if the world decides Bitcoin will be the store of value to weather out the coming depression and potential world war, cause what better time to have a world war than during a depression.

To come up with these price targets, I measured the percentage gain on each wave on Cycle 1 and measured it against the current Cycle two and its about 10x the move percentage wise.

Everyone keeps saying diminishing returns blah blah. No one can predict how Bitcoin will act. This is the first asset in our history that has had a fixed numerical supply. Supply and demand can change in a heartbeat and price can and will go straight up. Its also the most pain that can be inflicted because everyone and their brother is bearish right now calling for big drops, and so many still waiting on the sidelines for the 30k dip thats never going to happen cause they sold at 40 listening to idiotic you tubers that echo each other in their circle jerk.

Not financial advice this is just my opinion.

This is the same thing happening to Litecoin.

Bitcoin (Cryptocurrency)BTCBTCUSDBTCUSDTChart PatternsdogeETHETHUSDFundamental AnalysisTechnical Indicatorsshibxrp
