sketchpad rektpad

i think i was playing with pitching the circle here (tilt your head), and considering it could be pitched in two different (probs more) ways. then did pitchfans of triggernometric triangles and copied and pasted them to diff reversal points.

trying to learn thru play...putting it all together slowly and messily :-) maybe i should just get a coloring book

michael s jenkins
larry pesavento
jim bartelloni (bartscharts)
gann, probably
candleboxAI on twitter (and most of the ppl he follows esp GannJourneyman)

scaled 1000:1 btw (that's dollars to weeks)

scale very important esp for arcs & spirals. fib circles only visually, they are anchored to chart but circles and spirals totally shift as you change scale

something to be aware of for the new ppl, lock your scales when you find one you like
did i do this right? i wanna do circles of these but i need confirmation first

if i did these right...i made the radii into circles

ruhroh, circles wanna dance (i fit them all to recent "move" aka july-november 2021. i think of price/waves as a flower budding and then the circle sorta as the boundary of it. next step is learning 3d geometry

can also experiment with placing circles over bigger's all about cycles within cycles/golden section maybe? also doing roots 2,3,5 and phi multiples of these

moved circles back, then again so that 2 points of each circle touched the:
1. center of original circle
2. november top (where it touches the original circle (key icon), not the wick

getting closer maybe?

cleaned up and added horizontal tangent lines but wondering if 10 degrees (tilt of circle) is more accurate. but mostly wondering if wicks are price hitting the horizontal tangent line then bouncing into its circle

can't edit updates but i meant *april top, not november top in the chart two updates ago. i placed the circles so they touch the center of the original unit circle, and approx where the april top touches that circle. very imprecise tho, i am just sketching out ideas so i can remember them lol
Comment: added 2.236, 2.72, and 3.14 (that's square root of 5, euler's number, and pi) multiples of the original unit circle...we're at the 2.236 right now

also added the 1.272, 1.414, 1.732, and 2.236 of the unit circle i moved to touch the center of the original unit circle and the april top x unit circle...we're at the 1.272 of that right now

too many notes!!!!!!!!!!! but i wanna watch this play out and see which circles, if any, this hits/follows in the future. bc i always forget

another area of study would be to compare spirals (all four) with circles of each function on its own. this is tangent. l8r degenerators

spirals: l-r clockwise, l-r counterclockwise, r-l clockwise, r-l counterclockwise
circles: OG from unit circle, wormhole (what we're calling "moved to touch center of unit circle & april top x unit circle)

kept the 2.236 of unit circle bc we out here

Beyond Technical AnalysisChart PatternscircleFibonacci ArcsfibonaccispiralFibonacci SpiralsGannMarket Geometrypitchpitchfantrigonometry
