Still in Pattern, Buy the dips.

So, a lot of talk for breakouts online and explosions forcasted... but I think people are bored. While I do not have the experience to call when a break out or fall will occur, I can identify patterns and when to buy the dips.

As you can see I have identified the patterns with this latest correction/down turn/bear market. Since we peeked and started marching down there is a major channel and a minor channel. When it stays in the minor channel I watch and wait. When It drops down beow the minor channel and bounces off of the major channel, I grab more. While this does have to end at some point, I am simply buying the dips and HODLing for long term.

The pattern has not altered for some time and despite claims of Lambos and explosions, I am starting to find that Bulls(people who want to be in an upward market) want bullish markets and will claim a change in market because that is what they WANT to happen. TA has been staying steady now and seems that it will continue, so I will keep on doing what I have been doing. If it shoots up, I'll sleep well at night. If it drops hard, I'll keep buying. Hodling for the long haul.

Happy Trading.
Trend Analysis
