Time to ignite the engines! BTC's supercharged at 7100-7200.

By orbborisson
Expecting great Santa Claus rally this year.
BTCUSD has probed 6500' bottom twice, didn't fall.
7100-7200 is the region with a great support now.
A wave up to 7600+ is expected before the 2020.
Bulls, time to wake up.
Bear, you can go to sleep now, winter has come.
1. Bullish divergence on smoothed RSI +
2. Harmonically we are in a very good position:
a beautiful fractal architecture can be observed
on multiple timeframes.
3. The previous hard bottom was at 3000'.
Now BTC is stronger than ever,
new infrastructure built, new exchanges open,
overall trust in the crypto has grown, it's usage in the world has grown.

So we can expect now that it won't drop much further 7000 before the race.
I'm in at 7340, expecting possible drops down to 6500
(double shoulders may be formed before the race north).

This song is dedicated to all blind and deaf bears that are condemned
to a hungry winter season and slow death in the wild (because they
didn't listen the BULL when the time has come and refused to go to
their winter sleep).
7232, is that the impulse starting?
7200-7250, anchoring the most important levels of the last few days.
Surpassing it higher signals that the Bear looses to the Bull.
The Bull feels like flying while the Bear is dying.
Bounced clean off 7200 up ( a few times now).
Now the bulls looking to fortify 7300-7400 region(to the end of Thursday-Friday),
if they reach it the rise may be unstoppable.
Update: Looking 100% bullish still.
A few surprises but they only confirm
the bullish New Years Eve... Looking very good)
Dec 27... All according to plan. Prepare for a lift off!
Trade active
7300 new pivot, bulls are giving a helluva fight!
Elliott WaveTechnical IndicatorsWave Analysis
