BTCe Long Awaited 38.2 Fib Target Hit

By CRInvestor
Hello All,
after an excruciating past six trading days, BTC shook me out of my short position late last night on what was a classic 'head fake' move. Fearful of a winner turning into a looser, I micro managed myself out of a very respectable position only to watch it shortly thereafter go exactly to the original target (UGH!). While there is nothing wrong with booking a profit (+$8 or about 1.25%) I certainly didn't do myself any favors. Interestingly. this is now 6/6 of late (someone has actually been counting on and had I just left the original trade on and stuck to my original r/r model, I would be on cloud 9 this AM. I will take comfort in seeing yet another setup play out to its anticipated targets, I will be cross at myself for not acting in my own best interests. Stick to the plan, take the setups, live with the results...lessons are to be continually learned
