

By Investroy
Yes, we’re talking about planning. We’ve all heard this from different “gurus”, professionals, even friends and family. “What is your plan” is one of the most frequently asked questions in the world, yet most people usually don’t have a clear answer to it. Why? Most people don’t know the technique of proper planning. Investroy is here to help clarify this basic yet vital skill.

When you want your road to a better life to begin right now, planning may seem inconvenient. Getting around unfamiliar territory is much easier with a map and planning is our key here. It is important to note when we say planning in this context, we don’t only mean your trades. You have to look at the bigger picture. Why are you trading? To attain financial independence, make some extra money or maybe you just enjoy it (hmm.. we might have a psycho here). Without much talking, let’s jump right into it.

First of all, “Make a list of your objectives”. Well, some of you might have heard about the SMART formula. This means that your objectives have to be: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound. In simpler words, you have to know exactly what you want, you need to have means to measure the progress, they have be realistic, make sense to you and have a timeline with an end date.

Secondly, “Make a strategy by breaking down your goal into manageable bits”
The first step is to figure out what you want to achieve. Big ambitions, on the other hand, might be intimidating, and you may feel as if you don't know how to get there. Unfortunately, here is when a lot of people lose up. Break it down into segments now that you know where you want to end. Where do you need to be in one year if your objective is to create a profitable business in two years? Is it really six months? What about next week? Make a strategy that breaks down your aim into tiny, manageable steps. Make a list of each step and establish a deadline for completing it.

Third step is to review your plan on a daily basis. Sometimes reality is different from what we have in mind, that’s fine. Make some adjustments and move along.

Lastly, you MUST stay focused and have a tunnel vision regarding your plan. “Sticking” to the plan sounds easy and complicated at the same time. Personally for us, creating habits off the market (going to the gym and having a healthy routine) helps significantly with following the planning process on the markets.

We truly this made you stop and think for a second and start planning now. At the end a goal without a plan is just a wish!
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