#Bitcoin Price Prediction ( Daily Update 22/8/2019)

By HamadaMark

Good morning dears bulls & bears this is our daily update for btc ,
Please read these details we mentioned below this chart carefully. Thank you for your support.

What the Different between the expectations and trade with market movement?!

Expectation means the feeling or belief that something will or should happen !!
In the market, you read chart and from the time frame, movement, cycles, etc, you extract expect for something will happen in further, this not means you have crystal balls of course not, It's just a conclusion from the current movement of what will happen in the future and with that you set marks and limits support what your prediction if movement achieve it you keep your prediction active until price do opposite what you looking for

During this moves, you trade with movement and synced your mind with it

and that what we doing

from $13750 we set as a critical resistance with analysis for drop from it then we set a retracement plan, from $13750 to $9100 we were trading with movement and price was following our plan very well, then from $9100 to $11500/12500 we kept trading movement and with that kept our retracement plan, then from $12500 to $9500 once again, time to continue our plan but btc show price action from $9500 we traded it until $10950 and this was the last update for us about bounce from $10950 (prntscr.com/ow0yfa)
then btc dips again to $9750
during this whole movement, we kept our retracement plan active with updates for limits, and the most important thing we synced movement and traded it as we did in end 2017/ and during the whole year 2018 from $19200/15500/12200 called drop to 4500/3600 many times but with that, we were trading with market movement !! until calling rebound and open our signals from $3150/3200/3350/3750/4040

We hope you know now what the difference between the expectations and trade with market movement!!
everything we mentioned here already posted on TV you can review them closely.

Current movement!!
Daily Frame
Shows H&S Pattern
Symmetrical Triangle
Price moves above Lower Trend line
Next Hours is very important for btc
Breakdown $9100 = selloff and that what we looking for
Show a reversal candle with rebound will help bulls to dominate again!!

in the end, the market movement will decide everything during that we try to extract buy and sell levels by using TA

Current Action:
we already setup scalping from $9960/9750 with Risk 2% as a trading for current movement due to this stability above $9750 !! TP1 Achieved during writing this update
But after all our view still remain, as long as bears keep btc moves below $10950 Daily in short term
In midterm as long as btc moves below 13750 daily/ weekly

Since 15 Aug we set 7 Days for breakdown $9100 time up and BTC move above $9100 ( This time prediction fails) as we mentioned good results we can`t skip false one.
$9100 still strong support, yeah we expect breakdown it this time, but if bulls hold again and show another rebound from it, Allah willing we will try to sync it and trade with movement as we doing always.

Here is a list for most important resistant support levels for btc for the current range between $5500/19500:

Resistances levels
10350/10550 (Local resistance) 4h TF
$11150/10950 (Mirror levels)
$12000-12500 Daily resistance ( Psychological resistance)
$13500/14200 weekly resistance ( breakout weekly confirm more growth )
$16150/19500 Monthly resistance ( Very strong, Fomo levels)

Support levels
$9500/9100 Daily support ( Breakdown daily = selloff)
$7400/6600 ( Strong support Reversal zone)
$5500 ( Strong weekly support, Psychological level of the market)

This update for short/ mid-term movement between $5500/13500 to avoid confusion
Also, during this movement between $13750/9000, we shared many signals for movement and traded it, as you know we trade only long positions without leverage, so even if we expect dump, we keep trading with the market movement!

we don`t short btc but we analysis bullish and bearish movement to extract the best long entry levels for btc !! also we don`t use leverage in our signals never!!

About long term:
About our prediction Since breakout $5500?! ( Long Term)
Btc moving in a critical range, the whole movement can be a trap or real recovery, but as we said before close above $7500 means btc takes first recovery step, but to confirm more bullish steps, btc still need to move, so putting prediction, with current movement!! it's like gambling, But anyway as long as btc hold above $5500 Monthly we expect more growth for btc and the bullish view will confirm by breaking $13500 monthly (was 11500 we changed it to 13500) due this bad performance on monthly frame

After all, you need to know
The expectation does not mean imposing what you want on a fait accompli, It's just a conclusion from the current movement of what will happen in the future and not necessarily mean the success of that conclusion, anyway..., the reality and what happens, is the movement on which we sell and buy based on it, not the expectation, so we trade and care about movement more than expectation!! but if btc follow what we expect this will be nice, but if fail to do that we care about movement and how to trade it no more.

Our analysis contains two types of updates:
1-short term updates
In these updates, we talk about current movement with support and resistance for it and conditions to complete the main trend like this update about movement between $$11500 $13750
2- Mid&Long term updates
In these updates, we talk about the main trend and major support and resistance and best buy zones for trend, and retracement levels and ATH targets also we add perdition for the next movement

To avoid confusion
As a daily trader, you should care about short term updates only
As an investor, u should be looking for Mid&long term updates
For us as analysts, we care about these two types due to all of them running into one cycle!!

Good luck to all.
The Wild Crypto™,
We ask Allah reconcile and repay
In the last update, we set this 24/36 H as a critical time for btc and we said during this time we looking to see $9450/9200

Also, we mentioned $ 9850 /9450/9100 as current support levels for this trading range between $10650 / 9100 and our action was tracking these levels to take any scalping chance from these levels and we already did
we setuped scalping from $9750 gained TP1 and close manually but the auto bot keeping update it TP3 HIT
from $10100 TP1 Achieved +1.XX% closed at the entry

Continue BTC updates
24H passed and btc still moving inside Ascending triangle 1H TF above $9750
Also, daily TF shows stability above (SMA 100) with a reversal candle but no much power from bulls until now


Current Action:
( Trading the stability above $9850 )
the current range is good for scalping and opens buy signal with low risk
but be sure you follow risk management due to this is a good level for manipulation and hunt stop loss for short and long traders

Our prediction:
we looking for breakdown $9100 as long as btc move below $10650/10950 Daily in short term $13750 in the mid term

During this time any chance for scalping with low-risk Allah willing we will try to share it with you

About our prediction Since breakout $5500?! ( Long Term)
Btc moving in a critical range, the whole movement can be a trap or real recovery, but as we said before close above $7500 means btc takes first recovery step, but to confirm more bullish steps, btc still need to move, so putting prediction, with current movement!! it's like gambling, But anyway as long as btc hold above $5500 Monthly we expect more growth for btc and the bullish view will confirm by breaking $13500 monthly (was 11500 we changed it to 13500) due this bad performance on monthly frame

After all, you need to know
The expectation Expectation does not mean imposing what you want or force it to happen, It's just a conclusion from the current movement of what will happen in the future and not necessarily mean the success of that conclusion, anyway..., the reality and what happens, is the movement on which we sell and buy based on it, not the expectation, so we trade and care about movement more than expectation!! but if btc follow what we expect this will be nice, but if fail to do that we care about movement and how to trade it no more.

We ask Allah reconcile and repay
Trade closed: target reached
Wild Bitcoin
Bittrex, Bitfinex, Coinbase Pro
#BTC/USD Take-Profit target 2
Profit: 2.3972%
Period: 2 Days 9 Hours 18 Minutes ⏰

Wild Bitcoin
Coinbase Pro, Binance
#BTC/USDC Take-Profit target 2
Profit: 2.0883%
Period: 2 Hours 17 Minutes ⏰

Wild Bitcoin™

Coinbase Pro, Binance
#BTC/USDC Take-Profit target 2
Profit: 3.2558%
Period: 2 Days 6 Hours 57 Minutes ⏰

Wild Bitcoin™[23.08.19 15:40]

Bulls show power and btc breakout Ascending triangle


We ask Allah reconcile and repay
$10450/10600 Mirror levels waiting for bears effect from it and a retracement to 10250/10150


if Bulls keep going on and breakout we will add more scalping signals
We ask Allah reconcile and repay
Telegram Updates
#BTC following last update Dump from 10450 to $10250/10150 as we mentioned in the last update -3%
waiting for bulls reaction to open new scalp or more sell and breakdown $10100

we mentioned range between 10650/9800 ) Very volatile area) and a good level for manipulation and hunt stop loss for short and long traders so be careful with your trades
We ask Allah reconcile and repay

We ask Allah reconcile and repay

Breakdown $10100 and keep dumping

1H TF there is a chance for Bullish DV from $9850/9750

we will wait for a little before post scalping signal as you know our short term prediction from $10950 is about breakdown $9100 daily and continue our retracement plan from $13750

The current range between 10650/9100 has 3 critical support levels at

Current action
we will track these levels we mentioned if we get a good reaction from them Allah willing we will try to setup scalping signal from it
Except that our view still remain and we looking for 8200/7400/6600 as retracement levels for btc as long as it moves below 10950 daily in short term 13750 in midterm


Here is a list for most important resistant support levels for btc for the current range between $5500/19500:

Resistances levels
10350/10550 (Local resistance) 4h TF
$11150/10950 (Mirror levels)
$12000-12500 Daily resistance ( Psychological resistance)
$13500/14200 weekly resistance ( breakout weekly confirm more growth )
$16150/19500 Monthly resistance ( Very strong, Fomo levels)

Support levels
$9500/9100 Daily support ( Breakdown daily = selloff)
$7400/6600 ( Strong support Reversal zone)
$5500 ( Strong weekly support, Psychological level of the market)

We ask Allah reconcile and repay


#BTC Stop at 9890 with a small rebound to 10035

we still watching and waiting before taking any act


We ask Allah reconcile and repay

Daily Traders

$9850 Works now as a barrier for the bears, breakdown we will see $9350/9150

$10350/10550 is the same, works as a barrier for bulls, breakout daily = Positive market

Current action:
we trading this stability above $9850 once again!!

Our prediction :
we looking for a small rebound to $10300, then bounce for btc again with breakdown to $9850/9350/9100
So be sure you follow risk management in your Signals

We do not trade depending on the prediction, we trade depending on movement and reaction

After all, you need to know
The expectation Expectation does not mean imposing what you want or force it to happen, on a fait accompli, It's just a conclusion from the current movement of what will happen in the future and not necessarily mean the success of that conclusion, anyway..., the reality and what happens, is the movement on which we sell and buy based on it, not the expectation, so we trade and care about movement more than expectation!! but if btc follow what we expect this will be nice, but if fail to do that we care about movement and how to trade it no more.

We ask Allah reconcile and repay
Trade closed: target reached
Coinbase Pro
#BTC/USDC Take-Profit target 2
Profit: 2.0339%
Period: 20 Hours 26 Minutes ⏰
We ask Allah reconcile and repay
TG 5 update

#BTC 10 Hours Passed And Bulls try to breakout (SMA 100) but Bears push them down every time but look they try hard

Current Update
On the daily frame, we can see Stability above ( SMA 100 ) for 5 Days ( Short Accumulation zone)
weekly and monthly frames still show bad performance

so for more secure, we will follow what we mentioned in last updates :
$9850 Works now as a barrier for the bears, breakdown, we will see $9350/9150 ( Bears Limits)
$10350/10550 is the same, works as a barrier for bulls , breakout daily = Positive market ( Bulls Limits)

for sure we can trade stability above $9850 again so we will check this R:R and if it's good we will share a signal with you!!
but the point is, this zone is a good level for manipulation and hunt stop loss for short and long traders ( volatile area) )

Current Action:
we will check R: R if it good we will setup long signal based on stability above ( SMA 100) or you can trade breakout if bulls do that

Our prediction due to this performance on Weekly / Monthly
In the short term, we look for more retracement for btc based on our plan from $13750 and the key to complete this plan is breakdown $9100 daily,
Right now, $9100 change his identity from Daily/weekly support to Psychological barrier for the market, So the break down this level daily = selloff

We ask Allah reconcile and repay
Trade closed: target reached
Coinbase Pro, Binance
#BTC/USDC Take-Profit target 1
Profit: 1.3597%
Period: 30 Minutes ⏰
We ask Allah reconcile and repay
Trade closed: target reached
manipulation as we mentioned in last updates for 2/3 days
But BTC signals achieved good targets

Wild Bitcoin™

Coinbase Pro, Binance
#BTC/USDC Take-Profit target 3
Profit: 3.8649%
Period: 11 Hours 57 Minutes ⏰

Wild Bitcoin™[26.08.19 02:17]

Coinbase Pro, Binance
#BTC/USDC Take-Profit target 3
Profit: 4.9712%
Period: 4 Days 17 Hours 37 Minutes ⏰

Wild Bitcoin™ [26.08.19 02:18]

Coinbase Pro, Binance
#BTC/USDC Take-Profit target 3
Profit: 4.1314%
Period: 2 Days 12 Hours 57 Minutes ⏰


Comment: We ask Allah reconcile and repay
TG Update

An explanation for morning updates
Today we got nice move from bulls after 5/6 days of stability above ( SMA 100) Daily BTC was rebounded today from this support area to $10650

In the previous update ( short term)
we set $10350/10650 as local resistance and barrier to bulls
and $ 9850 as bears barrier

Current movement:
(tradingview.com/x/53JAHqAj/)4h TF
Shows Btc move inside a symmetrical triangle with a bounce from 10650 (SMA 100 /200)
So to keep growth and breakout this barrier we need btc close above $10650 4H / Daily
if bulls fail to do that, This morning's bounce will about add extra size for manipulation zone
as you know in the last 2/3 days we set $9850/10350 as volatility area and during that we shared many signals based on R:R and stability above $9850 most of them hit targets.

Current action:
we will wait for daily close during that we watching market if we got a good chance for a long signal we will share with you.

Our prediction due to this performance on Weekly / Monthly
In the short/mid-term:

we looking for more retracement for btc based on our plan from $13750 and the key to complete this plan is breakdown $9100 daily,
in current time $9100 changed his identity from Daily/weekly support to Psychological barrier for the market, So the break down this level daily = selloff

This view still remains as long as btc moves below $10650/10950 daily ( Short term) / 13750 weekly/Monthly ( Mid-term)
We do not trade depending on the prediction, we trade depending on movement and reaction

After all, you need to know
The expectation Expectation does not mean imposing what you want or force it to happen, on a fait accompli, It's just a conclusion from the current movement of what will happen in the future and not necessarily mean the success of that conclusion, anyway..., the reality and what happens, is the movement on which we sell and buy based on it, not the expectation, so we trade and care about movement more than expectation!! but if btc follow what we expect this will be nice, but if fail to do that we care about movement and how to trade it no more.

Good luck to all.
The Wild Crypto™,
We ask Allah reconcile and repay
We ask Allah reconcile and repay
22-AUGBitcoin (Cryptocurrency)Trend Analysis
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We ask Allah reconcile and repay ❤️🙏
