By Viikingi
It may look like strong low is at 41 380 or maybe 41 100. And if you have stop loss there, I have good news, you are not alone, because there is 1 billion cumulative long positions getting rekt at the same time with you. Bad news are, well that you are not on the winning side.

Or maybe I'm wrong and price goes up without correction and new liquidity. but I think it is cheaper to be wrong this way. I will put limit order to 40 886 and take first profits out at 41 900.

🌊 The Ripple Effect of Mass Liquidation: When Stop Loss Becomes a Group Activity!

Picture this: a bustling marketplace of traders, each with their unique strategies, all converging on the same stop loss level. 🎢💰 What happens when this shared stop loss level becomes the epicenter of a trading tsunami? Let's dive into the world of mass liquidation – where synchronized strategies create waves!

🚀 The Stop Loss Congregation:
Imagine traders setting up camp around a common stop loss level like friends at a favorite hangout spot. It's a popular rendezvous for safety, a place where they say, "If it reaches here, I'm out!" 📍🚶

📉 The Domino Effect:
Now, let's say the market takes an unexpected turn, triggering a cascade of liquidation events. It's like a row of dominos falling – one after the other. The shared stop loss level becomes the dominos' starting point, and the market is the gentle tap that sets them in motion. 🎲🔄

🔥 The Liquidation Bonfire:
As the domino effect kicks in, the shared stop loss level transforms into a bonfire of liquidation. Traders, like moths to a flame, find themselves caught in the heat of automatic sell orders. 🔥💨

🌐 Market Chaos Unleashed:
The synchronized liquidation creates a whirlwind of market chaos. It's as if a gust of wind sweeps through the marketplace, stirring up volatility and leaving traders in its wake. 🌪️💼

💸 The Wealth Transfer Waltz:
In this dance of liquidation, wealth is transferred from one set of traders to another. Those who anticipated the trend shift and adjusted their strategies waltz away with profits, while others find themselves swept off their feet by unexpected market moves. 💃🕺

🌊 Conclusion:
Mass liquidation at a shared stop loss level is the ocean tide that can lift or sink trading ships. It's a reminder that in the dynamic seas of the market, adaptability and strategic navigation can be the lifeboats when waves of unexpected events hit. So, traders, ride the waves wisely, and may your strategies be the compass guiding you through the unpredictable currents of the trading ocean! 🚢🌊
Trend Analysis
