BTC Truncated 5th's and fractal movement?

By brettfb
I was wrong and BTC kept climbing a bit further before losing steam on the latest run. It looks to me like we are near the end of wave B of this ABC correction within wave 2 of a bullish trend.

I'm new to EW analysis so please let me know if anything seems to break the wave formation rules/guidelines. As far as I can tell everything conforms. For wave C down I just copy/pasted wave A, but it is likely to play out differently than wave A.

If the current 5th wave rally breaks the top of wave 3, then maybe my analysis is faulty and BTC will continue climbing immediately!
I'm aiming to buy between 7600 and 6000 and then hold for a couple days
Forgot to add: BTC seems to be moving in truncated 5ths right now, with one at the larger degree starting this current correction, and a smaller degree truncated 5th on wave A of B, and now possibly another on wave C of B.
Well I had wave 2 of C drawn in a bit short, but things still seem to be going according to plan? I'm waiting for 7600
Elliott WaveFractaltruncatedtruncation
