Always a possibility.

By Monovon
November 2021 - November 2022, what a year it has been for all markets.

I remember like it was yesterday where people felt nothing (including myself) when that failed breakout occurred. The truth is, no one knows where the market is going and many (including myself) will continue to be wrong. The most important aim is to be right more than wrong.

I ask myself, what is the possibility that this is a failed breakdown? Surely a failed breakout can't be redeemed by a failed breakdown?

The bear market has been humbling to say the least but I'm open to any and every option my imagination sees fit. It looks bad for crypto but one detail I do know is, Bitcoin generally finds a bottom before the traditional markets do.

You wanted scams and ponzis to die? It happened.

You wanted Hedgefunds and centralised exchanges doing shady things to go bust? It happened.

You wanted billions of dollars to be wiped out of the market? It happened.

I guess if we're still here using Tradingview on a daily basis viewing charts, I'd personally believe at this point - We made it!

Take it with a pinch of salt friends but we're still here. Have a great week.

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