How to Prepare Economically for a Recession in July

By MieMie87
Corporate profitability is likely to decline due to the Federal Reserve's unprecedented tightening monetary policy and macroeconomic concerns. Due to ongoing inflation, companies are being forced to reduce hiring and adopt cost-cutting strategies.
Nonetheless, the U.S. economy is showing resilience, as evidenced by a 0.3 percent increase in retail sales in May from a year earlier, when economists had previously expected a decline. The retail results suggest that lower oil prices may be causing consumers to spend more money on other goods.
This situation explains why professional traders have been using a bullish "iron condor" strategy to maximize returns with limited risk when bitcoin trades above $31,550 in July.
Buying bitcoin futures during a bull market pays off, but the problem is how to handle liquidation when bitcoin prices fall. That's why professional traders use options strategies to maximize gains and limit losses.
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