A preview of February’s trends

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(BTCUSDT 1D chart)
The movement from August 17-23, 2023, and the current movement from January 22-26, 2024, are different.

This is because the movement in 2023 occurred near the HA-Low indicator, and the current movement occurred near the HA-High indicator.

Accordingly, there is a high possibility that the current rise will not continue and will fall.

The HA-High indicator on the 1D chart is located at the 43450.03 point, so the important question is whether it can be supported and rise around 43450.03.

If it fails to rise, it is likely to fall until the HA-Low indicator is created, so you need to think about a countermeasure.

If today's candle closes above 42283.58 and shows support there, it is expected to rise above 43450.03.

However, since the StochRSI indicator has entered the overbought zone, it is necessary to check whether it is supported near the channel consisting of trend lines (1) and (2) when it leaves the overbought zone.

(1M charts)
Soon, a new candle will be created on the 1M chart.

Since the BW indicator is recording a strong upward trend, you should check whether the BW indicator continues to show a strong upward trend when a new candle is created.

You should also check if the StochRSI indicator is showing signs of turning into a bearish indicator.

You will understand if you compare it with the past StochRSI indicator.

When next month's candle is created, it is a good idea to check to what point the HA 5EMA line will rise and be created, and to think about a response plan for the possibility of it falling to the vicinity of the HA 5EMA.

If the price holds above 42283.58, the next resistance zone is expected to be the Fibonacci ratio 0.886-1.0 zone.

I think there is a high possibility that it will touch this section and plummet, but if the price is maintained above 42283.58, it is expected to maintain an upward trend and lead to a movement to renew the new high (ATH).

Have a good time.
thank you


- The big picture
The full-fledged upward trend is expected to begin when the price rises above 29K.

This is the section expected to be touched in the next bull market, 81K-95K.

1st: 44234.54
2nd: 61383.23
3rd: 89126.41
101875.70-106275.10 (when overshooting)
4th: 13401.28
151166.97-157451.83 (when overshooting)
5th: 178910.15

These are points that are likely to encounter resistance in the future.
We need to see if we can break through these points upward.

Since it is thought that a new trend can be created in the overshooting zone, you should check the movement when this zone is touched.

If the general upward trend continues until 2025, it is expected to rise to around 57014.33 and then create a pull back pattern.
1st: 43833.05
2nd: 32992.55

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** All explanations are for reference only and do not guarantee profit or loss in investment.

** Trading volume is displayed as a candle body based on 10EMA.
How to display (in order from darkest to darkest)
More than 3 times the trading volume of 10EMA > 2.5 times > 2.0 times > 1.25 times > Trading volume below 10EMA

** Even if you know other people’s know-how, it takes a considerable amount of time to make it your own.

** This chart was created using my know-how.

(BTC.D chart)
As BTC prices rise, there are times when altcoins rise along with them.

I think that time will occur when the BTC price rises beyond a critical range.

(BTCUSDT 1D chart)
I think the important section in BTC is the 42141.24-43823.59 section.

Therefore, if it rises to this range and maintains an upward trend, I think there is a high possibility that altcoins will rise together.

However, if BTC dominance rises when BTC continues to rise, it is highly likely that altcoins will gradually sideways or decline.

The reason is that when BTC dominance rises, it means that funds are concentrated towards BTC.

Therefore, by trading altcoins with relatively small funds, there is a high possibility of sideways or downward trends.

I think we need to prepare now to face the general upward trend.

A major uptrend refers to an uptrend with a high possibility of renewing the new high (ATH).

In order to see a major upward trend, I think BTC dominance must rise above 61 and then fall.

(BTC.D 1M chart)
Therefore, it is expected that it will only be possible if it rises to around 0.618, the Fibonacci ratio point, and then begins to fall.
Since it is different from the movement in 23 years, there is a high possibility of a decline, but is it correct to judge that there is a high possibility of an increase if the price is maintained above 43K?

yes. you're right.

As I was giving a detailed explanation as to why I was making that judgment, I felt like I said it in a way that made it difficult to understand the core story right away.

This is because in 2023, it touched the HA-Low indicator, and currently there is movement near the HA-High indicator.

The HA-Low indicator is an indicator created at a low point due to the indicator creation conditions, and the HA-High indicator is an indicator created at a high point.

Therefore, if the price cannot be maintained by rising above 43K, that is, rising above the HA-High indicator, it is likely to eventually lead to a decline to touch the HA-Low indicator.

Therefore, it can be said that the important question is whether the price can ultimately be maintained by rising above 43K.
The volatility period is around January 30 - February 4 (January 29 - February 5).

The 5EMA and M-Signal indicators on the 1D chart are expected to intersect soon.

Accordingly, volatility is expected to occur.

The important range is 42141.24-43823.59, so you need to check whether it can rise above the important range during the volatility period.

If not, you should check if there are sideways movements in the 39845.44-42053.66 area.
It appears that more funds are flowing into the coin market through USDC.

If the gap rises above 26.525B, it is expected that the leadership of the coin market will be taken over by those who are inflowing funds into USDC.
I think it is best to refer to the 1W chart to see trends in the coin market.

Therefore, I think you can trade by creating a trading strategy on the 1D chart based on the trend of the 1W chart.

The 1W chart is in an upward trend.

This is because the price is holding above the MS-Signal indicator on the 1W chart.

Therefore, when creating a trading strategy by looking at the 1D chart, you should consider long (LONG) as the main position and create a trading strategy.

Regarding the interpretation of the 1W chart, you can apply what I have said so far, so please think carefully.
If you only want to see the trend on the 1W chart, you can look at the M-Signal indicator on the 1W chart displayed on the 1D chart.

The MS-Signal indicator consists of the M-Signal indicator, which is the main indicator, and the S-Signal indicator, which is a signal indicator.

Therefore, if the price is maintained above the M-Signal indicator on the 1W chart, it can be judged to be in an upward trend.
Although it is not visible, it has risen within the trend line (1) and (2) sections, so you need to check which trend line it deviates from.

As mentioned in the example of drawing a trend line, in chart analysis, various analyzes are performed using a diagonal trend line.

However, in order to use such trend lines in your trading strategy, you must mark support and resistance points.

Otherwise, I don't think it will be of much help in trading since it is just for use in chart analysis.

To use trend lines in trading, you need them to be below about 15 degrees.

Then, the trend line can be used for trading without having to separately mark support and resistance points.

Since a low trend line angle means that the trend has sideways, there may be no reason to draw a separate trend line, but it is a good idea to display it so that you can see it at a glance when looking at many charts.

Currently, it has risen to the important range of 42141.24-43823.59.

In particular, the key is whether the price can be maintained by rising above the psychological resistance range of 43160.0-43823.59.

If it shows support in the current section, it is time to buy.

However, since the StochRSI indicator has entered the overbought zone, it may fluctuate up and down, so you should think of a way to lower the average purchase price through split purchases.

If you do not know how to respond, you can buy when it rises above the 43160.0-43823.59 range and when the StochRSI indicator is rising below 50.

If the price holds by rising above 43160.0-43823.59, the next resistance zone is expected to be the 0.886-1.0 zone, which is the Fibonacci ratio point.
The big difference between the left chart and the right chart is
1. Whether the MS-Signal indicator has risen or not and
2. This is the location of the StochRSI indicator.

Therefore, on the right chart, the area around the MS-Signal indicator will be the support and resistance zone.

On the left chart, the area around the HA-High indicator will be a support and resistance zone.

If you exclude the differences above, this chart shows the same flow.


These differences result in different times to buy and sell, so you need to find these differences through chart analysis.

Then, you need to find support and resistance points on each chart and respond by creating a trading strategy accordingly.

wow! The gap has increased further.

USDC gap rose above 26.153B.

The key is whether the gap upward trend can be maintained and the price rises above 26.525B.

The rise in the gap between USDT and USDC is believed to be a sign of funds flowing into the coin market.

I believe that the increase or decrease of USDT or USDC through trading is expressed through candles.
The 5EMA and M-Signal indicators on the 1D chart intersect and are aligned.

Accordingly, we need to check whether the price can be maintained above the M-Signal indicator on the 1D chart during this period of volatility (January 29-February 5).

As the StochRSI indicator on the 4h chart is currently entering the overbought range, it is important to maintain the price at some point in the 42141.24-43823.59 range when it falls below the overbought range.
Charts that are believed to have an impact on the coin market

(DXY chart)
The DXY chart should fall so the coin market is likely to rise.

(XAUUSD chart)
The XAUUSD chart should rise, so the coin market is likely to rise.

(NAS100USD chart)
The NAS100USD chart should rise, so the coin market is likely to rise.

Even if investment products in the coin market are launched in the stock market, strictly speaking, I do not think it is right to think that they will show the same trends as the stock market.

Therefore, please do not think that the coin market will also show volatility following the announcement of several important indicators.

There is a possibility that it may be affected to some extent, but I don't think it should be equated with the flow of the stock market.

The flow of funds in the coin market can be understood to some extent through USDT and USDC.

Therefore, if USDT or USDC maintains an upward trend or continues to show a gap increase, the coin market is likely to maintain an upward trend.

Currently, USDT is maintaining an upward trend, and USDC is showing a rising gap near 26.525B, so it can be interpreted that the coin market is likely to maintain an upward trend.

Therefore, even if stock market volatility occurs, the coin market may be temporarily affected, but I think it is highly likely that the coin market will show independent movement.

Even if a spot ETF is launched, we must not forget that movements in the coin market affect the ETF, not the ETF affecting the coin market.

(BTCUSDT 1D chart)
What I want to say is that after the volatility period (January 29-2-5), you need to check which direction it deviates from the 42141.24-43823.59 range.

If the price shows sideways movement within the 42141.24-43823.59 range even after the volatility period has passed, you should judge that there is a high possibility of an increase and consider a countermeasure.

(1W chart)
The reason is that it maintains an upward trend on the 1W chart.

I think the trend shown in the 1W chart is likely to be the trend that fits best.

Therefore, in order to switch to a downward trend on the 1W chart, it must fall below 37253.82 and show resistance.
USDT is in sideways movements.

USDT is showing an upward trend in the gap above 26.525B, which is an important point.

USDC's upward trend is expected to bring new vitality to the coin market.

In order to convert to an upward trend, the gap upward trend must be maintained a little longer, but if it is maintained above 26.525B, it is expected to eventually convert to an upward trend.
(BTCUSDT.P 1h chart)
For the first time since January 23rd, the HA-Low indicator was created and touched.

Accordingly, it is important whether the price can be maintained by rising above the HA-Low indicator.

If not, there is a possibility of a cascading decline, so a countermeasure is needed.

If it falls below 41968.0-42164.9, you should check again for support in the 39846.8-42041.1 range.

Since the HA-High indicator on the 1W chart corresponds to the 42164.9 point, the key is whether it can be supported and rise around 42164.9.

The creation of the HA-Low indicator means that there is a high possibility of forming a low point.
A change in trend has occurred and this period of volatility is expected to last until around February 7th (February 8th).

During this period of volatility, we need to check which direction the price deviates from the 42141.24-43823.59 range to maintain it.
(BTCUSDT 1M chart)
A new candle has been created.

Accordingly, the key is whether support can be found around 42283.58.

If not, you should check for support around 37253.81.

If it falls below 37253.81, there is a high possibility of a downward trend, so caution is required when trading.

However, there is a continuous inflow of funds.

How can we lower the average purchase price of the coins (tokens) we own or lower the investment proportion to create opportunities to seize better opportunities in the future?
The StochRSI indicator has fallen to around 70.

Accordingly, if it falls below the trend line (2), the StochRSI indicator is expected to fall below 70.

Accordingly, we need to check whether it can rise above 42283.58 and whether it can rise above 5EMA on the 1D chart.

If not, there is a possibility that it will fall below the rising trend line (2).

After rising from the oversold zone, it did not rise much and entered the oversold zone again, so you need to think of a way to respond to the decline.

Therefore, if it fails to rise above 42283.58, you should consider splitting it and selling it to lower your investment proportion.
(BTCUSDT.P 1h chart)
We need to check whether it can receive support and rise in the 42164.9-42385.8 range.

If the MS-Signal indicator fails to break upward, it may lead to a further decline, so at this time, you can check the StochRSI indicator and proceed with trading.

In other words, when the StochRSI indicator enters the overbought zone and the price remains above the MS-Signal indicator, you should wait rather than enter a SHORT position.

The reason is that the decline is likely to be small.

If not, and it fails to rise above the MS-Signal indicator, then you can enter a SHORT position.

At this time, the key is whether it falls below 41734.9.

If it fails to fall or the HA-Low indicator appears to be regenerating when it falls, it is recommended to sell in installments and wait.

If the price is maintained by rising above the MS-Signal indicator, the key is whether the price is maintained above the HA-Low indicator.

If not, you will have to sell it in installments as it could lead to a sharp decline like before.
Beyond Technical AnalysisBitcoin (Cryptocurrency)BTCBTCUSDBTCUSDTHA-MSTechnical IndicatorsTrend Analysis

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