Good day Crypto fans, today is a bit of bad news yet expected and needed to happen news. For over 4 months BTC / Bitcoin along with ETH and other blockchain currencies have seen nothing but a boom in the markets that are currently on a downtrend working its way back to a more positive trend.
HOWEVER, news around the crypto space has alluded to the market meeting both an untimely yet expected end, if you have been following this post the charts stated the move to 100k starts in June, and it did in fact started the process setting a record high of nearly 74k, yet despite the fantastic efforts of supporters and holders, it wasn't enough to push for 80k.
As the rise arrived on June 1st I did warn their will likely be a crash to happen and this will likely be the last of the highs we get, so the question is?
Is this the last run to the 80k or 100k - are we crashing to the 40k or 20k or lower.
Answer is: we are at a literal crossroad, it could continue to crash to the 60k or lower, or it could rise to the 70k - 80k and hold for another week or two but will crash back rapidly, as the weekly and monthly charts are all in a downtrend position, at this point and time we will have to wait and see as prices will fluctuate in the coming days till the weekend.
So please be advised - the info you see below is an update to the current 24 hour chart and the possible paths it could likely take.
Other charts such as the weekly will be added to the list to allow you as an investor new or old to decide on what you want to do with your money.
24 hour chart update - possible heavier crash coming