The Story of a Failed Trader | OKXIDEAS

Once upon a time there was a man who was a very poor and he belong to a middle class family but he had the ability to dream it. He was 20 years old and he also think that he spend all of had 20 years doing nothing, he was a dreamer. He wanted to become a rich man, he finding ways to become a rich man, he tried almost every thing but failed. One day he watched a video about trading on YouTube and he decided to become a trader, become a rich with trading and fulfill all of had dreams. He started to learn trading, he watched all of educational videos about trading on YouTube and spend had 15 hours every day just watching videos, now he knows about the basic trading he shifted to the analysis part of trading, he started to practice and learn the technical analysis. He find the method that he can trade with, he combined some technical indicator signals and created strategy for himself. Now he had very passionate about trading, wanted to open a real account and start trading with real account. He had some saving money around 500 dollar he deposited that money in the real account and start trading with that money. He started dreaming from the first day of trading and created some trading rules for himself like he had to take 10% risk per trade and don't take that trade which is below 1/1 risk to reward ratio. On the first day he had taken almost 3 trades and win all of them, now he was more excited for trading he had made $192 profit means something around 38% profit on 500 dollar account. He wanted to trade more but he was a little bit smarter one, he think that i am in profit and my wining ratio is 100% so why i just damage my wining ratio and why i just risk my today profit so he had decided to come back tomorrow. On the second day he had $692 total balance in the account, he had to play a little bit more smarter than a previous day and he decided to take 10% risk per trade of the current total balance $692 in the account rather than the starting balance which is $500. On the second day he take almost 4 trades and he won 2 trades out of 4 trades, now the account condition had almost break-even no loss & no profit, he decided to try again and trade more, he finding the reason to trade more and then he calculate today and yesterday total taken trades which is 7 trades, he think that i won 5 trades out of 7 trades so my wining ratio is almost around 70% which is good and i can trade more because my wining ratio is still above 50% so i am still in positive side. He trade almost 3 trades again and he lose all of them, now he had very sad and almost broken, he decided to step back and come back later. He sturdy himself and come back on the third day, now he had facing a little bit draw-down on the third day the total account balance is around 484 dollar, he started looking for the trades opportunity and at the end of the day he took almost 5 trades with the 10% risk per trade but the third day results had also again bad and he lose 4 trades out of 5 and just win 1 trade, he had very shameful from himself, he closed the laptop goes to outdoor and talk to himself. He analysis the current situation of the account, it that point the total account balance is around 276 dollar he almost around 45% in draw-down and the wining ratio had below 50% so now he entered to the negative side. On the fourth day morning he traded 2 trades and he lose both of them now he almost lose the hope and the account condition had around 72% in draw-down and he left only 138 dollar in the account. At the time he give up and he just decided to depend on just one trade, he just waiting for the best opportunity of the day and finally he got the trade but at the end he lose that trade again and he almost blow out had account.
After that all he had stressful and sad from almost one week, he decided to leave the trading and move on to the next thing and he looking to find other things that suitable for him because he think that trading is not suitable for him. One month later he just scrolling on the internet and he see the FAQ that 90% of traders lose and only 10% had succeed, now he had a little bit shock and he think that its pretty normal every trader in the 90% had facing that stage which stage that i faced.
He decided to come back to trading and start from the zero, he started to modify had strategy and created new rules for had strategy like he set this time risk to reward ratio for had trades is minimum 1/2 and he decided to risk only 2% of the total account also he decided to take only 2 trades per day, this time he opened the demo account rather than the real account and start trading with demo account, he decided to journal had journey and after one month of consistency he hadn't break any rules and when he see the results after month he had profitable, now he feel like stronger and he continue the journey with that same demo account after three months he had similar results and still profitable. In that time he think that i don't have much money and in trading it's required a lot of money to earn a lot of profits, he started to search for that how he had to prove himself to big investors and raise money for himself to trade. One day he searching and he knows about prop firms trading now he had interested in that and wanted to know more about prop firms, he think that this is the big opportunity for himself to become succeed quickly, now he decided to trade with prop firms and buy the challenge from the prop firms, he adjusted had strategy rules and trading plan according to the prop firms requirement, now but the only problem is that he don't have money to actually buy the prop firms challenge. By the way he was dropout from the school after completing had secondary education and so he just setting at the home, he don't have much money to buy the challenge, the pocket money of him had just depend on him father and he hadn't want to say to father to give me extra money because of him father was very poor and he work as a taxi driver, so then he had decided to get the any kind of job for himself and try to earn some money in the form of salary and buy the challenge with that money, he worked hard and after one month he got the salary and then he just swift to the prop firm website and buy the $50000 account challenge for himself, now he started trading with challenge account phase one, on the phase one he decided to risk only 1% per trade, take only 2 trades a day and the every trade risk to reward ratio had to minimum 1/2 after one month of consistency he gained +8% profit, he was in profit but he hadn't achieved the prop firm required profit target which is +10% in that case prop firm gives traders free retake so then he take the challenge again with the new account and new month from zero and he think that my wining ratio for the previous month is almost around 40% with minimum 1/2 risk to reward ratio and my daily limit is 2 trades so i need to increase my daily limit from 2 to 3 because if i traded with the same rule 2 trades a day then i hadn't pass with 40% wining ratio. He calculate some numbers like he think, if i take 3 trades per day so then at the end of the month my all trades had to be 60 trades per month and if i maintain my 40% wining ratio then i can easily pass the challenge with that mindset he started the challenge and strictly follow the rules after month he hadn't maintain the 40% wining ratio and he end up with some loss and failed the challenge, this time he almost faced big depression after some days left he realized had mistake and he think i made mistake that i increase my daily trades limit because of this my wining accuracy goes down, i just forced myself to take 3 trades per day and get trapped into the normal trades.
At that time he hadn't left any pathway he almost try everything but at the end he faced failure, him father had now getting older and he decided to step back again he start going to the normal job and start saving 30% of had salary, he do that job for almost one year and after one year later he had some saved money in the bank account to buy multiple 10x challenges, he come back to the trading but this time he hadn't leave the job and he do trading like part time thing. He started had journey again he decided to hadn't give up and repeat the process so then he started buying challenges after one by one in some challenges he failed in phase one in some he failed in phase two in some he almost pass the challenge and got the live funded account but hadn't get payout and lose the account in the first month.
The journey had started goes on and he just repeating the process and doing try again and again.

Will be continued.....

Some lessons from the story

> Never open real account in the start, try to learn first on demo account.
> Don't try to be smart in the front of the market.
> Don't lose hope in draw-downs just repeat the process of your trading plan.
> Take every trade with the hope of wining.
> Never depend on a single trade.
> Don't leave too fast stay in the market.
> Give yourself enough time to create the solid proven strategy that works at least for you.
> Respect your trading limits.
> Don't depend on just trading and never leave your job, consider trading like part-time thing in the starting.
> Learn from your mistakes and improve your performance.
> Make mistakes but don't repeat that mistakes again.
> Never depend on small capital always look for an opportunity.
> Journal your journey, record your trading performance and improve next time.
> Don't fear from failure.
> Be patient, market is here not going anywhere.
> Don't force yourself to take normal trades wait for good opportunity always.
> Don't count the numbers, you need to count the percentage.
> Don't try to be rich quickly.
> Step back, if you damaged from market then simply step back and come back stronger don't try to fight.

If you learned any other lessons from the story, let me know in the comments.

What you feel about one day he will be succeed or just the failure always, also let me know in the comments.

I hope you enjoyed the story, appreciate my work with like comments and share.

I wish you good luck in trading.
Beyond Technical AnalysiseducationeducationalpostfailedfailureokxideasriskmangementriskrewardSTORYtradingeducationTrading PlanTrading Psychology
