BTCUSDT - ZERO HOUR? Quick hourly chart watching: Potential H&S?

By cryptosince1963
I don't usually look at hourly, but I felt compelled today for some reason. More coffee than usual perhaps. Here's what I see right now.

Looks like we're posting a head and shoulders. keep an eye on it as this is a formation we generally see before a big ole' dip.

This would turn yesterdays pump into the up side of a BART. Which it does actually look like.

We're above EMA on the hourly charts. Not as big a deal but hey, its there.

Also we've been in a clear descending channel. If we take the channel from the 19th we're right at the top right now.

Could be the deciding moments in the next little while. Exciting.

Watch the previous high, or the potential head in an H&S. If BTC can get over this it will have avoided it's dreaded formation and may test upper limits of 11k.

If we post a shoulder (below the high point marked) expect a retest of previous support.

Good luck everyone and be safe.

bartdipTrend Analysis
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