BITCOIN a comprehensive analysis with pathway and targets!

Hello dear friends,

Here is my latest idea for Bitcoin and I hope you like it.

As you all can see, a head shoulder formation has formed but at the moment it is not quite clear which is the neckline, neckline 1 or neckline 2. We won't know for sure until the pullback to that neckline takes place.
Personally I think it will be the orange neckline 2 but again it is not certain due to the spike on December 4 in the price. The end results is however for both much lower targets.

Clearly this is no longer a bullish scenario unless the price manages to get above the black neckline with some candles and good volume. Anything is possible in the price of crypto which is (thankfully) so volatile.

The previous HS had hit the exact target before going up like a rocket on July 21, 2021.
So keep a close eye on the necklines and the volume. This should rise when the trend is up and vice versa for a downtrend.
Panic has not occurred at all so clearly no bottom either.

I have written it a few times but do it again because it is very important than only looking charts. You always have to know what is happening in the world and if that can be a treat to the markets.

Currently we have many serious problems in the world. Here are some of them:
1. The Omikron virus that is spreading at lightning speed and possibly going to overload hospitals. Even though far fewer people are getting seriously ill, many more will need to go to the hospital.

2. The dangerous situation at the border with the Ukraine and Russia. There are harsh words on the part of Russia and Nato / EU / US. Russia's list of demands such as withdrawal of weapons in Poland and Ukraine and possible membership of Ukraine in NATO will never be met. Russia even threatened a kind of Cuba crisis!

3. The unimaginably high inflation of 6.5% in the EU and the need for higher interest rates that will hit the stock market hard. All the printed and cheap money has to go back out of the market and then we all know what will happen. Largely all this money is in the markets through funds and banks and not where it had to be namely in the smaller, mid and bigger companies.

4. The gigantic debt mountain that has now become so astronomically high due to the various crises like the housing crisis and now Covid where even more debt has been incurred.

5. The stock markets in the US at their peak! Normally stocks rise 10% per year but we are now at an average of 30% or more during the period of the added FED and EU money!

6. The refugee crisis in Europe and all the problems around it.

I wish you all very good luck and profit from your trading!

Disclaimer This is my view, no advice to buy or sell. Also always do your own research!

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Dear friends,

We can expect a pulback to 43500 sooner or later. BTC is oversold, RSI very low but countertrend trading can be very dangerous. Never try to catch a falling knive and that is very true.

Good luck and happy trading!
Dear friends

The pullback has happened already as I wrote on my comment above (10th of january) and I expected this because of oversold conditions.

But holding your positions is pretty dangerous in my opinion. Why? We are seeing a pullback in a downtrend and even if it goes higher there is the risk of a sudden agressive drop. To go long on a trendfollowing basis we need to see improvement as you see in the chart. That has not happened yet and the question if it will.

I wrote about the situation in the world in my post
Well, bad news is that the Russia / US talks ended with NOTHING! Can you imagine if the US/ NATO are against Russia? Good for the markets? I don;t think so.

Here some details from today:
NATO talks with Russia ended with no signs of progress towards narrowing substantive differences or defusing the crisis over Ukraine, and with the alliance's secretary-general warning "that there is a real risk of a new armed conflict in Europe".

After four hours of talks, Wendy Sherman, deputy foreign minister of the US delegation, said she had heard nothing in Brussels that deviated from the position set out by the Kremlin at the bilateral talks in Geneva, which demanded a guaranteed halt to NATO expansion and a withdrawal of the alliance's troops in the countries of the former Soviet bloc that joined the alliance after 1997.

It is possible that BTC will hit the neckline 1 and depending on when in time, between 47000 and 48500 maximum. Above it would be a first very samll bullish signal.

The crypto market does not yet care about the harsh words between Russia and the US. However, count on this to come, not to mention a war between the two! I see a danger in this and a trigger for a further decline.

Good luck dear friends!
I am afraid this will be the trigger for a large decline and the end of the 4 year cycle. IF stocks collapse then crypto's go with it.

Russia threatens military deployment in Cuba and Venezuela as diplomacy dead ends
US says " drums of war sound loudly" as talks with Russia over Ukraine stall.

You can read more in the international press.

Good luck trading dear friends!
Hello friends,

An update here for the situation Russia / NATO Ukraine.

Russia has begun moving troops into Belarus, Ukraine's northern neighbour, for a joint military exercise that is likely to heighten fears in the West that Moscow is preparing for an invasion.

The joint military exercise, dubbed United Resolve, will take place at a time when Russia is also amassing troops along Ukraine's eastern border, threatening a potential invasion that could unleash the biggest conflict in Europe in decades.

I wrote before this could be the trigger for a big decline and I still think this will happen. The markets get nervous when war is in the air and unfortunately it is Russia / Nato and a very dangerous game.

Of course if you use your moneymanagement and stoploss not so much can happen in your trading but I would now focus more on the downward risk than to think that the markets are going to make new all time highs. That is my opinion and again trading with stops in place you are pretty safe.

Wish you all good luck and safe trading!!
Greetings from the Netherlands dear friends,

Because it will have a big impact on crypto, stocks and other assets here the latest on US-NATO Ukraine conflict

Biden considers now options for U.S. action on Ukraine as the West seeks a united front

Joe Biden is preparing for a potential conflict in Ukraine as Russian President Vladimir Putin considers an invasion and is building up a troop presence along the border.

Defense Department spokesman John Kirby said yesterday that the U.S. has put 8,500 troops on high alert to deploy if necessary. The White House also called on Americans in Ukraine to consider exiting the country.
Hello dear friends,

We are unfortunately experiencing more problems in the world day by day. Here some concerns but the list is certainly not complete.

1. Oil prices continue to skyrocket due to tensions with NATO/Russia. This further fuels hyperinflation.

2. Natural gas prices will go up like a rocket in the event of a conflict when they are already not affordable at this moment. Yes,the US has a plan ready for the supply of natural gas to Europe but that solution costs 4 times as much as the natural gas that enters Europe via Russia. So no real solution either.
Sanctions for Russia such as cutting off from SWIFT will also mean that they will no longer be able to deliver gas because the payments can no longer be made. Then Europe shoots itself in its own foot.

3. Russia now has 120,000 troops on the border (was 100.000) and is ready for any attack within 2 weeks. They also have medical equipment and blood supplies stocked on the border for any casualties. This is a must for an attack according to a US general. But it is not sure this will happen as many think!
In fact, Russia may be annexing Belarus because there are many troops there currently supposedly for exercise. If the troops don't leave they may also take over Belarus. A smart plan because everyone is focusing on the Ukraine but maybe the this is a trick to annex Belarus.

4. Harsh words by China about eventually war in the conflict with China and the US over Taiwan. Something could happen here at any time as well.

5. North Korea carrying out missile launches on the assembly line. We know it from the past but it is driving up tensions again. Their partner is China.

6. Interest rates are definitely going to rise to curb the extreme hyper inflation. That is always very bad for the stock markets as we know from the past.

7. Covid seems to be diminishing thankfully but new variants could also destroy this good news.

8. The 4 year cycle is over and according to the past that would result in a hefty decline. This is of course not a certainty but still something to keep in mind.

My point is, only looking at charts is one method but you absolutely must know what is currently going on in the world arena in my opinion. There are far too many serious uncertainties right now. The markets don't like uncertainties and if they dive down also because they are extremely overbought which is something I expect, they will drag the cryptos down with them.

Keep in mind that the intrinsic value of the ALTS is basically zero. The value is simply determined by supply and demand. Only Bitcoin has the advantage of not being able to create unlimited coins. With stocks and commodities it is definitely different because they do have an intrinsic value that also can be calculated and valued.

Cryptos are being regulated on several fronts. From crypto to FIAT is becoming increasingly more difficult without identity verification. This in turn has a consequence so that governments can tax the profits. That is what it is all about.

Dear friends, we can only hope that things will turn out better but as long as there is no certainty or real positive news in the world, it will most likely remain very volatile and nervous for all markets.

I wish you all good luck with trading!

Ukraine crisis: Biden to send more U.S. troops to Eastern Europe

More than 3,000 troops are being sent to Germany, Poland and Romania after talks between Washington and Moscow failed to ease tensions

Joe Biden will deploy more than 3,000 U.S. troops in Germany, Poland and Romania at a time when Russia continues to build up its forces around Ukraine and after talks between Washington and Moscow have produced no breakthrough or easing of tensions.

The US is sending 1 700 troops from the 82nd Airborne Division to Poland, an 18th Airborne Corps headquarters unit of around 300 soldiers will move to Germany, and an armored army unit of 1 000 soldiers is moving to Romania from Germany.

"These forces are intended to deter aggression and strengthen our defence capabilities in the Allied nations on the front line. We expect them to redeploy in the coming days," Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin "continues to add forces, combined arms, offensive capabilities, even just in the last 24 hours he's continued to add in western Russia and Belarus, in the Mediterranean and in the North Atlantic," Kirby added.

"He has shown no signs of interest or willingness to de-escalate tensions."

A Pentagon spokesman said those deployments are separate from the 8,500 U.S. troops who have been put on high alert to be ready to deploy at short notice. These forces are mostly intended to be part of the NATO Response Force (NRF), which is intended to reinforce the alliance's eastern flank in the event of a possible Russian attack on Ukraine.

I think it will be very difficult for the financial markets to turn positive. in Europe now we see an inflation of over 7% which is unseen in a very long time!
Huge debts due to the Covid crisis. Tensions with China, Russia and North Korea.

The market is heavily oversold but this could become even more so. The US indices are still near their peaks! Can't keep going well because if they fall, which I certainly expect in the short term, everything will be dragged into the depths.

Trading you can always do perectly in down and uptrends. For buy and hold it is not the time now. Wait until the market bottoms and that can take a pretty long time!

Good luck dear friends and above all trade with stops!

Important news in my opinion!

US believes Putin has decided to invade Ukraine, Biden tells NATO leaders.

Invasion could happen within days, diplomats say after meeting at White House Situation Room.
Biden's address to allies followed a meeting at the White House Situation Room to discuss the latest intelligence on Russia's military build-up.
Joe Biden's address to allies followed a White House Situation Room meeting to discuss the latest intelligence on Russia's military buildup.

Joe Biden has told other NATO and EU leaders that the US believes Vladimir Putin has decided to launch an invasion of Ukraine, which could happen in the coming days, according to diplomatic sources.

Biden's address to allies followed a situational meeting at the White House to discuss the latest intelligence on Russia's military build-up and Putin's thoughts.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said on Friday that there were "very worrying signs of a Russian escalation".

"We are in a period where an invasion could start at any moment - and to be clear, also during the Olympics," Blinken said.

Protect your capital with stops my dear friends if you not already did so of course!

Dear Friends,

The tension is unfortunately only increasing on the border between Russia and the Ukraine. Biden and other politicians have not exactly extended a hand to Russia but are only making threats that the Russians have now become immune to. In fact, the Russian economy is only getting better because of it, they say.

Russia has already sold its gas reserves for Europe Nordstream 2 to China. This is a guarantee that we will pay much higher prices for gas and electricity. Europe is shooting itself in its own foot. Inflation is bound to rise soon. The citizen who gets 0% interest on his savings pays in this way the incurred costs!

In Europe they seem to have lost control completely and this on many fronts. Saving the climate but meanwhile closing down nuclear power plants. The gas plants are not closed but unfortunately there will soon be no cheap gas left. Gas from the US is at least 4 times as expensive so not a solution at all. Meanwhile, the citizen pays the costs for these blunders.

Friends, here also the latest news. Olaf Scholz is also leaving for Moscow at the last minute. This is more to show his face than to achieve results because these are ultimately only made by the U.S. and they in turn do not change the plans to expand NATO to the Ukraine. So no concessions.

Fearing that time is running out, German leader head to Moscow.

Olaf Scholz will make an economic case for peace to break the "extremely dangerous" situation in Ukraine.

German government sources said Olaf Scholz will visit Moscow on Tuesday to highlight the economic losses that would result if Russia invaded Ukraine.

The German chancellor will arrive in Kiev for the first time on Monday, after previously facing domestic criticism for his low-key approach to diplomatic efforts over the military buildup on the Ukrainian border. The move comes as U.S. intelligence agencies claimed over the weekend that Russia was accelerating its invasion plans and could move troops across the border as early as Wednesday, before the Winter Olympics end Feb. 20.

Joe Biden spoke with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Sunday morning after the near-total evacuation of the U.S. embassy in Kiev.

According to a White House statement, Biden made it clear that the U.S. would "respond swiftly and decisively to further Russian aggression," and the two leaders agreed on the need to continue pursuing diplomacy and deterrence.

Jake Sullivan, the U.S. national security adviser, told CBS News' "Face the Nation" program, "Over the last 10 days, we've seen a dramatic acceleration in the buildup of the Russian military and the deployment of forces in a way that essentially allows them to take military action at any time.

But, of course, we are still waiting for the order to execute it. Thus, we cannot predict the exact date or time when they will take action," he said.

Russia has denied invading Ukraine, but on Sunday there where reports that attack and troop transport helicopters were moving close to the Ukrainian border.

Also, a submarine equipped with cruise missiles from Russia's Baltic Fleet sailed through the Bosphorus Strait toward the Black Sea. Meanwhile, Lithuania announced that it would provide Ukraine with Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, and the U.S. Embassy announced that 17 aircraftloads of U.S. military weapons, including shoulder-fired grenades, had arrived in Kiev.

Russian diplomats, however, have shown themselves to be indifferent to the threat of Western sanctions. Sweden's ambassador to the Kremlin told a Swedish newspaper that he "doesn't care" about the economic consequences.

Viktor Tatarintsev said in an interview published Saturday evening on the Aftonbladet newspaper's website, “Excuse my language, but we don’t give a shit about all their sanctions”,

The veteran diplomat said, "We've already had a lot of sanctions, and in that sense it's had a positive impact on our economy and our agriculture. We've become more self-sufficient, and we've been able to increase our exports. We don't have Italian or Swiss cheese, but we can now use Italian and Swiss recipes to make Russian cheese that is just as good," he said.

He added, "The new sanctions won't do anything positive, but they are not as bad as the West makes them out to be."

The weekly candle closed with a Gravestone Doji. This is a bearish candle after the short uptrend in a larger downtrend.
The wick is the rejected area from the bulls by the bears.
We will soon see how it goes further.

I wish you all nice profits and safe trading!

Russia deploys thousands more troops to Ukraine border

Move suggests Putin may extend crisis for weeks as Johnson and Biden agree there is still a " crucial window for diplomacy".

Russia is sending thousands more troops to its border with Ukraine, signalling that Vladimir Putin could extend the crisis for weeks as Boris Johnson warns that the situation has become "very, very dangerous".

British officials estimate that, in addition to the 100 battalions massed on the border, a further 14 battalions of Russian troops are on their way to Ukraine, each with around 800 men (already thought to be capable of invasion).

Ministers are of the view that the Russian President has not yet decided to attack Ukraine and is unlikely to do so in the future. However, as the military build-up of over 150,000 troops continues, Prime Minister Johnson has cut short his trip to Cumbria to chair an emergency meeting on Cobra on Tuesday.

Now 150.000 troops around the Ukraine according Biden.

Biden addresses Russian troop withdrawal

US President Joe Biden claims Russian troops continue to "encircle Ukraine" despite Moscow saying they will withdraw.

Reacting to Moscow's statement that Russian troops had begun withdrawing from Ukraine's border after completing military exercises, US President Joe Biden told reporters on Tuesday that the US had "not verified" that information.

Biden continued to insist that an invasion of Ukraine could still happen, telling a news conference that Americans should follow previous orders and leave the region. He claimed that some 150,000 Russian troops continue to "encircle Ukraine," but did not provide a basis for that number.

Mr Biden said the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine was "a good thing, but we have not yet verified it".

Dear friends,

Russia can keep up the game they are playing now for weeks even months more. This creates enormous uncertainty and puts a brake on rises in the markets. Do not forget that apart from Nato /Russia there are many other elements that are bearish such as inflation which has not risen like this in 40 years. The energy crisis and inflation is also going to hurt the economy badly.

The 4 year cycle predicting a decline this year and technically we do not have a good longer term view. In the short term one can profit from upturns in the market but it may harm your sleep because as soon as there is an attack into the Ukraine we guaranteed will see a big price drop in most of the markets. However, if you place your tight stops and apply money management, you can of course trade without the risk to have big losses.

Here is also the very latest news in the Russia/Ukraine crisis

Nato is concerned that Russia is trying to create a pretext for an attack on Ukraine

Nato Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said he was concerned that Russia was "trying to create a pretext for an armed attack on Ukraine".

He was asked by the Wall Street Journal about the Kremlin's comments blaming Kiev for shelling in the Donbass.

He said

We are concerned that Russia is trying to stage a pretext for an armed attack on Ukraine. We are not yet clear and certain about Russia's intentions.

Russia has amassed a larger force than we have seen in decades and the Alliance sees "no significant withdrawal of scale at the moment" from Russia.

Biden says Russia carrying out "false flag operation"

Joe Biden has warned that the threat of a Russian invasion of Ukraine is "very high" and that he believes a false flag operation is underway that Moscow will use to justify the invasion, according to Reuters in Washington.

The following is the report

As he left the White House, the US president told reporters that he had every indication that he was preparing to invade Ukraine and that he had no plans to hold a telephone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Asked how high the threat of a Russian invasion was at the moment, Biden said it was "very high."

He said Russia had not retreated its troops from the Ukrainian border and that the United States had reason to believe Russia was engaging in a false-flag operation, which Moscow would use to justify an invasion.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is due to address the UN Security Council later on Thursday.
Russia has now up to 190,000 military personnel in and around Ukraine, the US claims.

The United States has claimed that the number of Russian troops on Ukraine's borders is significantly higher than previously known.

Michael Carpenter, the US ambassador to the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), told an OSCE meeting that the number may have almost doubled since the end of last month.

We assess that Russia has probably amassed 169,000 to 190,000 personnel in and around Ukraine, compared with about 100,000 on January 30.

Carpenter's reference to "in and around" presumably refers to the areas of eastern Ukraine controlled by Russian-backed separatists.

He added: "We have to be careful.

This is the most significant military mobilisation in Europe since the Second World War.
Important update

Friends, as I wrote many times before. Take care with going long because the chances for war are every day higher. The risk is a crash on the markets, so keep this in mind! Going long without tight stops in place is a bad idea!

This is the latest in the Russia / NATO crisis:

U.S. President Joe Biden says he believes Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to invade Ukraine.
""From this moment on, I believe he has made his decision," Biden said at the White House.

Biden previously said he did not believe the Russian leader had made up his mind, but acknowledged that his insight into Putin's thinking was limited.

In previous appearances over the past month, Biden has said Putin's thinking is a mystery to almost everyone, suggesting that even senior Russian advisers are ignorant of his intentions.

Friday's comments marked a major shift in the president's views and a clearer stance on his adversaries' plans.

After his initial answer, Biden was again asked if he believed Putin had decided to go ahead with the invasion.

"Yes," Biden said.
The United States has information indicating that orders to proceed with an attack on Ukraine have been sent to Russian commanders, two US officials and another source familiar with US intelligence said.

The information on orders to tactical commanders and intelligence officers is one of several indicators the US is watching closely to assess whether Russia has entered the final stages for a possible invasion.

Other indicators, such as electronic jammers and extensive cyber attacks, have not yet been observed, some sources said. The sources cautioned that the order could be withdrawn at any time, or it could be a false alarm designed to confuse and mislead the US and its allies.

But news of the information came after Biden said Friday that he believed Putin had "decided" to invade, and Vice President Kamala Harris and Secretary of State Antony Blinken made the same comments on Sunday. Mr Blinken said Russia's tactics were "moving forward".
------ Russia 'poised to invade' -------------

Russian forces are now “poised to invade” if President Vladimir Putin gives the order, western officials believe, with more troops heading closer to Ukraine’s borders in both Russia and Belarus.

Natural gas, price to double ....

Former Russian president and current vice president of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev tweeted Tuesday that Europeans should pay 2,000 euros ($2,200) per 1,000 cubic meters of natural gas. The warning came after Germany ordered the suspension of certification for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

"German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has ordered the suspension of the certification of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. Welcome to a new world where Europeans will soon have to pay 2,000 euros per thousand cubic meters of gas!" wrote Medvedev in a semi-ironic message on Twitter.

Earlier, Chancellor Scholz said that due to the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine over Donbass, the German government would suspend the months-long certification process for the Russian-backed Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project.

Friends, the price of Bitcoin is now 37000 USD.
The first target to hit will be 29000 USD.

Keep in mind that the decline will go with ups and downs!

Dear friends,

I wrote back on January 8 that the real economic situation was not looking good. That picture is going to get many times worse.

The financial markets and the real economy have been living in two separate worlds for years (ever since the printed free money). All debts accumulated during this period are no less than 3.5 times the GBP of the entire world. An unimaginably high amount!

Masses of loans have been taken out at 0 percent interest. The interest rate in Italy, for example, is lower than in the US! Unthinkable but true nonetheless.

Now unfortunately with the war in the Ukraine, the hard truth is going to come. This war was as I wrote before just a trigger on the already existing bad situation but very clearly not the cause!

Now we are going to see almost sure falling prices over a longer period due to high inflation and rising interest rates on the capital markets. A severe correction is therefore definitely coming in my opinion but it will happen slowly and tricky. Not the short quick pain but a lingering process that can last a long time.

Eventually everything will come into balance and the luxury we have is not the result of money earned but of money borrowed. This mountain of debt has to be paid back and with interest rates rising this is going to hurt quite a bit.

We see already that a new smaller H&S pattern is forming the right shoulder. Target of this bearish pattern is 26k and it will not take too long.
Zoom out and we see a large bearflag with much lower targets!

Happy trading!

We can already see that the war between Russia and the Ukraine is going to last longer than originally thought. Putin will not stop until his goals are achieved and the Ukraine continues to defend itself with constant supplies of new weapons from the west.
Dear friends, that cannot continue to go well and chances of expanding the conflict are now much higher than originally thought.

Any rebound in crypto currencies is going to be reversed by a further decline. This is not a bull market. I already hear many saying that according to the indicators we must have a bottom. However, do not forget that this is the most dangerous war for Europe since the second world war! Bitcoin has only been around for 10 years so the crypto market has not yet seen a war at this level.

Keep it in mind because losses pile up easily in this volatile market!

The tone between the West and Russia is seemingly getting grimmer and unfortunately, I was already expecting this.

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has warned the West against harsh sanctions against Moscow because they could drag Russia into a "third world war."

"There is a lot of talk against the banking sector at the moment. Gas, oil, SWIFT - this is worse than war. This is pushing Russia toward a third world war," Lukashenko was quoted as saying by local media on Sunday. Lukashenko added that the end result could be a nuclear war.

Russia will not stop before they have complete control over the Ukraine and the Ukraine will keep defending itself with weapons from the US and the EU.
This just means that this war almost cannot stop in a short time. I think it could even go on for months if not years and we've seen it all in Irak, Afganistan, Georgia, Syrie etc.

This is also immediately why the financial markets will correct downwards. It was not only the war but also the debt, the printing of money at zero interest and so much more as you could already read in the beginning of this post.
Dear friends,

What we are seeing in Bitcoin and other cryptos are counter moves. This has nothing to do with a new bull run. Perfect for daytrading the volatility but in the medium term and long term the market is in a clearly downtrend.

The situation in the Ukraine is not going to get better with the sanctions.Russia is going with transactionc through China but in the meantime is getting irritated with the sanctions of which there are new ones every day which by the way also affect the ordinary civilian population in Russia.

Inflation goes higher and higher, interest rates and commodities continue to rise and the process goes faster and faster making everything worse. This is a downward spiral that is getting completely out of control.

NATO does not want to join in the fight but sending lethal weapons is going to produce a dangerous coctail. In fact, the Ukraine is not a nuclear power and therein lies the difference.Because of the great irritations on both sides, an accident with, for example, soldiers firing a grenade and accidentally ending up in a NATO cannot be ruled out.
Dear Friends,
I am going to end my comments on this post and of course everything is perfectly readable in the media.
My goals and opinion about the market are known and will change only when the market conditions change.

I wish you all happy and profitable trading!
Dear Friends,

The 2 targets were hit exactly as can be seen in my analysis from the 8th of January 2022.

The first target was hit in June 2022 and the second target in November 2022.

I wish you all happy and profitable trading and take care!
Given the escalating global issues, it's puzzling how stocks remain at current levels. The likely explanation is manipulation by the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank to maintain the value of the dollar and euro and regulate capital flow.

We are in a bear market which can persist for a long time, especially if the root causes of the problems persist. Keep this in mind when investing during a bear market and consider the actual world events rather than just TA to avoid potential losses.
Hello friends,

I published a new idea for Bitcoin.
Please check it out here:

Bitcoin (Cryptocurrency)BTCChart PatternsTechnical IndicatorsTrend Analysis
