45,000 USDT is strong support in the short term

By Uncle_Rich
15-minute Trend
MA5 is moving downward and has not crossed MA10 yet;
MA30 is flat;
Bollinger Bands are opening;
KDJ and RSI are moving upward;

Day Trend
MA10 is moving downward and has crossed MA30, but has not crossed MA5;
MA5 is flat;
Bollinger bands are narrowing;
MACD runs above the zero axis;

Market Data
The long-short ratio of BTC contract is 91:100, with the shorts taking advantage;
Fear & Greed Index is at 23, indicating extreme panic;
Six out of the top ten addresses have inflows and four of them have outflows;

45,000 USDT is strong support in the short term;
If the BTC price fails to fall below it in the short term, the market will start an upward trend;
Radicals can sell short around 47,250 USDT;
Target price is 45,000-45,500 USDT.

Fundamental AnalysisTrend AnalysisWave Analysis
