
This Completing Transformed My Trading (RESPECT & DISRESPECT)

By Tradius_Trades
The idea of RESPECT and DISRESPECT completely transformed my ability to effectively read price action and trade profitably.

ICT teaches about Premium/Discount (PD) Arrays. There is a lot of bickering and debate as to which of these PD Arrays are better.

I'm here to build a case for the idea that they are all equally effective, and are just reference points on a chart to build a trade idea around.

To me, it boils down to: Which levels are being RESPECTED or DISRESPECTED?

That's it for me, that's what made it all click. That is what helped me stop worrying about every little level on the chart.

Once you have a high time frame (HTF) narrative and draw on liquidity (DOL), you know which PD arrays you want to see respected and disrespected. Coming up with your HTF Narrative is also based around what levels are being RESPECTED or DISRESPECTED.

I hope this video can give you an a-ha moment like it did for me.
Beyond Technical Analysishtfanalysisictictconceptsinnercircletraderpdarraystradingmethodtradingmethodolgytradingmethods
