CAD JPY - Long imbalance opportunity upon completion

By LupaCapital
Hello Traders and Analysts,

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A Note before reading - this is a forecast analysis - based upon our trading strategy. This is tagged short, due to the selling opportunities further increments upon imbalances. Overall, assessing the short idea [but remaining patient].
Please do not take this as face value and conduct the relevant investment strategy to successfully trade the probabilities.

Master Key for zones
  • Red = Three Month
  • Blue = Monthly
  • Purple = weekly
  • Scarlet [Red] - Four day
  • Orange = Daily
  • Green = 8 Hour
  • Grey = 4hour
  • Pink = 1 hour

See the private analysis to prove the original move anticipated.
CAD JPY - imbalance on re-test

Monthly Imbalances - with profit targets
Attached is the daily chart with the current positional sell in play.
Why? Ensure you check the screenshot below dated March 17th - the order was set as a sell limit where price will create a high probability of an imbalance at 90-91.5 - this is the monthly zone where the imbalance needed testing.
Please note* - where price can produce a level which slips outside the monthly zone.

Why did we set our order here?
Very simple - the monthly and weekly align with two highly probable zones where the imbalances of reactive levels exist yet remain untested.
The Monthly - highlights an area which has been clean since 2018 - and what this means, broken down is that price has offered a correctional downtrend, where overall the downward channel has shown a breakout - and a move towards the monthly zone.
With a large candle pattern on the monthly printing pure bullish candles - the reason behind this is due to the buying imbalance offering a long from 74-76.3X.

Weekly imbalances
Here is the a high probable area predicted - where price was watched closely and sell limits were placed.
Price will be pushing through this zone up towards the monthly. Price may show a smaller area where the initial weekly zone has an immediate corrective move to test the lower zone of the weekly. This is a slippage move, but does not allow a sell opportunity at present, this is purely where the imbalance is beginning to take shape. This is where the pivot points in the structure are placed.

Bearish pathway - predicted 17th March 2021.
See the above analysis and the screenshot below to see where price ended up.

See the overlay

Cross-asset analysis
monthly & weekly imbalances applied only.

With the applied weekly imbalances and month available - here is where price will react.

See the analysis attached
EUR JPY - longs are still highly probable

The Monthly imbalance has not yet touched the correct zone, however the inefficient price thus far has been found in the weekly. although, this could be considered a lower monthly zone - be ensure to check the monthly timeframe.

See the analysis attached
NZD JPY Imbalance awaits.

With the highs of 156. XX creating a needed retracement upon a pivot point - the monthly imbalance has been successfully filled.
From here using confirmations - shorts were placed to hedge and override long positions.
The weekly has created successfully - lower lows - meaning that price is looking to correct.
See the analysis attached
GBP JPY - Testing the weekly imbalance? or down to 141?

JXY or Japanese Yen Index
Here is the analysis of the Japanese Yen Index
Note on the weekly channels have pushed the Yen to show "weakness" but now, price has hit the monthly and the imbalance is now applying.


Do you enjoy the setups?
*Professional analyst with 5+ years experience in the capital markets
*Focus on technical output not fundamentals
*Position and swing trades
*Provide updates where necessary - with new updated ideas tracking the progress.

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To all the followers, thank you for your continued support.

CADJPYEconomic CyclesFibonacci ExtensionimbalancesinefficientpricingJXYlupacapitalPivot PointsSupply and DemandTechnical Analysis

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