Keep a close watch

Disc: Invested for PWI Long term portfolio , looking to add more
Would have seen more volume, added trance to as it move to its old high in this market environment. I am hoping to give steady compounding returns. Not expecting any magic.

disc: Part of the Peaceful Weekend Investing Long term portfolio.
Great going so far ...🚀🚀🚀
Structure intact
disc: Full position , invested
do your own research , sharing for education only
I will review the long term position on support line
disc: invested in LT portfolio
awesome move from 1100 to 1450 Rs going awesome

disc: Invested , portfolio stock
Finger cross, closing at the high

added another trance today

disc: invested
Investing in a peaceful weekend from Rs 1100 to Rs 1818 can be a magical experience. 🪄✌🏻

By buying and accumulating shares, you have the opportunity to witness the power of compounding. 💰

Sell some of your shares when the timing is right, while holding onto the rest for long-term gains.

Repeat this strategy a few times and you'll be rewarded with a substantial number of free shares. ♻️

Keep in mind that this approach works best when a business model is expected to remain stable for a significant period of time.

Disclaimer: I have personally invested for the long-term and also engaged in trading.
Excellent move - can this stock be in the portfolio for several years to come
yes - provided the doesn't change the business model
Cyclicity can be negated with the right entry and proper risk management

disc: invested
going strong :)

Holding one top position

disc: no recommendation
Not surprise with the move 💲💲💲💲

disc: Invested for long time and added small trance as token of appreciation
CDSLcdslanalysiscdslbuycdslchartpatterncdsllongChart PatternsFundamental AnalysispeacefulweekendinvestingshivendrabhatiaTrend Analysis
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