⚡️ Chargers, electric vehicles and infrastructure plan...

On Friday, November 5, the US Congress approved a $ 1.2 trillion infrastructure plan.

The plan envisages investments in roads, bridges, railway infrastructure, expansion of access to clean drinking water, development of access to high-speed Internet, and "greening" of the infrastructure. The last point implies the creation of a national charging network for electric vehicles, and will also have a positive impact on the development of the industry related to the production of vehicles on electric traction.

Investments in expanding the network of charging stations on highways will amount to $ 5 billion. Also, $ 2.5 billion will go to expand the network of charging stations for other ecological modes of transport, for example, on a hydrogen engine. Another $ 2.5 billion is planned to be spent on the electrification of school buses.

Today, shares of manufacturers of charging stations for electric vehicles are on the rise of $ CHPT and $ VLTA + 13%, $ BLNK + 15%, $ EVGO + 30%.
In this post, I will focus on the company with the largest network of charging stations in the United States.

ChargePoint Holdings is an American electric vehicle infrastructure company based in California. Operates the largest network of over 140,000 independent charging stations in 14 countries.

ChargePoint has over 5,000 corporate customers, 76% of which are Fortune 50 companies.
The company began to build charging stations 10 years ago, the main business is focused on the markets of North America and Europe, coverage is also available in South America, Africa and Australia. Interaction with the charging station and payment is carried out through the ChargePoint mobile application. The company has three areas of activity: retail, corporate and fleet maintenance.

In addition to its EV charging services, the company makes money by providing a cloud platform for managing charging stations and scheduling EV charging. To expand this area, ChargePoint acquired the European fleet management company ViriCiti in early August this year for $ 88 million. .clients in the maintenance of the park.

Also this summer, ChargePoint acquired the "Has to be" company in Europe for $ 295, whose flagship product is the eMobility, a hardware-independent cloud platform. It should improve the efficiency of customer service and system reliability due to the constant growth of the charging infrastructure, as well as add 2,500 network ports and 3,500 corporate vehicles for service.

The company is a pioneer and one of the leaders in its field, the growth of the fleet of electric vehicles around the world will spur demand for charging stations, to which the company adds more than 2,000 annually.

🔧The price of $ CHPT is moving in a downtrend, now the price has approached the slope. The positive news background is likely to catalyze the breakdown of the downtrend. Further, we expect the formation of a protorting in the zone of accumulation of horizontal volume and then the assault of local maximums. Draw in support blocks $ 19.5-22 (intermediate), $ 16-19 (main), stop - fixing below $ 15.

🎯 Targets $ 32/36.

BLNKchargepointCHPTemobilityevgoTrend AnalysisVLTAWave Analysis
