Review of this year: where the money was at

By MrRenev
Not much.

FX some extended arms bouncing on support.

Gold parabolic move inside the early bull market, short lived.



Stocks mega-crash. Fundamentals. Coronavirus, lockdowns, etc.
Gilead super volatile with Remdesivir, airlines & cruise lines die.

Dollar goes up but not interesting to buy.

Bitcoin crash I waited for 1 year finally happens.



Oil month. Easy profit because of a drop in demand & thanks to dumb money, very easy price action to follow as well as biggest contango in history.

Some easy to follow trends with the Pound.

Bitcoin screams "buy me" and then goes up, I only got 2R out there because it did not go very far and I had a wide stop.



I don't know, nothing? Lots of sideways. Nice to note oceanic pairs have been lame all year pretty much. Every single asset sideways / no predictability.

June, July, August:

Trend following summer.

USD pairs & Gold. Straightforward and simple.



Trend following but just a succession of losses.

Forex breakouts & pullbacks have not worked out.

Grains start a mega super extreme trend 3000+.



Oceanic pairs reversed and started a new trend, but it was short lived.

Bitcoin is the big mover, close to ath now. Price was going up, couldn't give precise reasons why I bought, t'was just intuition.


So to sum up, what really defined this year for me:

April, July, November best months. March would be there too if I was more involved with stocks like the typical US hedge fund.

OIL in April (1! & 2!-1!)
USDOLLAR in July (USDSEK especially)
GRAINS in September (ZS1!)
BITCOIN in November

The Pound & Australian Dollar had their moments too, but they were not as cool.
Gold got to ath but this entire year gold was summed up for me to 2 small couple of days long moves. So not that interesting actually.

The stock market in march of course, if this was my thing.
Also, 6 months later once again proven right, Gilead expensive drug is now officially garbage. Maybe short sell this fraud in a downtrend now...
And another thing was Tesla going up up up but I just do not care. 1rst FX, 2nd Oil Gold, 3rd grains & natgas & copper, 4rth the seldom BTC or stock indice, and that's it I can do no more.

An extra painful september
Plenty of very difficult tiny wins with forex pairs in autumn, both "reversals" (they're always disappointingly small) and "trend following"

Anything else happen this year that I missed?

Fundamental AnalysisintuitionpriceactionstatisticsTrend Analysis
