A look at the economy of the Soviet Union

By MrRenev
It was 98 years that communists randomly drew the borders between Armenia & Azerbaijan (and Georgia and Turkey). And it's still a mess to this day. WW3 soon.
Great time to take a look at the economy of the soviet union. This is a vast subject so I will only cover a tiny fraction of what can be said about it, but I will try to basically cover the general idea.

I will start by a little intro about the early communists/socialists. Not the revolution itself but how it got started after the revolution.

Fun fact: All the early communists that participated in the treaty got executed a few years later by Stalin, just like every single early bolshevik or socialist.
I can't help but laugh, every socialist revolution even thousands of years ago the early ones really think they have a bright future and all end up getting killed.

Yakov Ganetsky the soviet russian ambassador at the time was a famous communist financeer (hey just like George Soros), of course saying he was secrectly financing a socialist revolution was a crazy conspiracy theory until it happened. What is it with these financial people and wishing to dominate entire populations? A crazy conspiracy theory about George Soros: HE SAID, I have it on video, he said that he saw himself as a sort of divine person that had a special mission, a prophet that had to control the world.
So anyway this Yakov that was a financeer of a certain ethnicity which is probably why the subject is avoided by the west so much, got arrested by Stalin in 1937 after the commie police raided his appartement and found communist books that were "not real socialism" (the previous kind of socialism that failed) LOL! So after this he got tortured to confess he was a spy for Germany and Poland because why not, and then after a fair trial that lasted 15 minutes he was sentenced to death and shot the day of his trial. Can't see he didn't have it coming. If he had better predictive abilities than a potato he'd have lived. His wife and son also got shot to death because why not.

Askanaz Mravyan was a soviet armenian minister of foreign affairs that participated in this treaty and I cannot find how he died but he died at 43 in the soviet union while holding some political position.

Basically most to every early communist was killed and every single jewish communist from 1915-1920 got killed by papa Stalin. Then in the 1950s Stalin got paranoid about the jews again and he got poisonned probably by the serial rapist called Beriah, and oh no he put all the jewish doctors aka all the doctors in prison and there was no one around to help him. Karma. Talking about Karma Stalin during his life had bad events happen to him over and over again. The most famous one is when he wife that couldn't stand him just killed herself to make him suffer :)

The most famous revolutionary that got executed story is probably Trotsky, that delusional guy fled to Mexico right? Literally the opposite side of earth.
He criticized Stalin saying Stalin was "not real socialism" and Stalin wrote him out of history books and wanted him dead because Trotskism was "not real socialism".
In a villa with bodyguards etc. He survived 1 raid in 1939 or 1940 whatever I'm just writting this as I go, and then weeks or months later he got attacked again.
And he took an axe to the face. Trostky bodyguards tried beating the assassin to death but he stopped them to look like a good caring person. And then Trotsky slowly died with horrible pain. The murderer got a medla of honor, a few years of jail, and then lived a long and happy life.

I don't know how much of history can be trusted but documents, physical proof, that does not contradict each other, that can be trusted.
Some people did the research and every single name on the communist list got slaughtered.
Every socialist co-conspirator that betrayed and killed Caesar a few months after he limited welfare programs was cut to pieces.
Don't tell me it's a coincidence Caesar that had big support got killed just after reducing the amount of romans on welfare by half.

Just got started on this intro and this is already long. I told you it was impossible to make a full idea.
I am simply going to quote a few numbers about soviet production, the 1920s numbers come from marxists dot org & official soviet numbers, the ones from the second half of the century mostly come from declassified CIA documents.







Muh education! If I just find the right mentor I'll be a great profitable trader. Haha. "Education".

So to sum up it sort of always follows the same pattern...


The only countries that really try socialism are countries where money can fall from the sky, countries with natural ressources to sell to others so they can import. They crumble and slowly die over decades. The soviet union lasted 70 years. These guys have huge NatGas & Oil reserves and infinite forests.

Extremely dumb people want socialism in countries where the natural ressource is the population. There are no giant ressources to extract. Socialism there can't last decades. It can last maybe a few weeks. And then you run out of stuff & other people's money (if they had foreign currencies or gold otherwise it will last a few days the time it takes for the country currency to go to zero). Haha.

Venezuela has alot of Oil but it's expensive to extract and didn't work great for them.
Videos of people in Zimbabwe & Venezuela going into euphoria a few years ago are easy to find.
They're not smiling today thought 😬

Oh and today USA & UK socialists are against deforestation. And they are against extracting Oil & Natural Gas. 🙃 It's just beyond...
And 70% of US millenials can't find France or the UK on a map. 11% can't even FIND THE USA!
50% have a positive view of socialism. 20% of young New Yorker think jews perpetrated the holocaust.

There is no word to explain how unbelievably stupid they are.
My imagination itself is not powerful enough to come up with how there can be such immense stupidity to come to those idiotic conclusions.
When I was growing up it did not feel "normal" and I suspected something was wrong. Plebes were getting way dumber at an exponential rate. I was right.
If I keep hitting my head against a wall will I wake up from this dream?
