2008 Fundamentally Changed Everything.

Where to begin? I guess we can start with what this chart is showing. This chart shows that since 2008, oil has been in a deflationary spiral. Just look, since 1984, crude markets were in a healthy stable sideways movement. The ones who were buying and selling oil, were the ones who were in the field.

Today? You have a bunch of no good investment firms who got their fingers in Wall Street gambling with futures contracts. These firms and investors have NO intention on receiving the oil or care anything about oil. It's all about sneaky, immoral gambles to gain money. Does this ring a bell, in 2008 with CDOs and real estate gambling?

It seems that people didn't learn from 2008. It seems when there is a cross, staked in the ground saying RIP US Dollar 1930-2020, will they realize their greed has hurt everyone. Like the Good Book says "for the love of money is the root of all sorts of evil". I would love proof of the contrary. Rich people are never satisfied and always find illegal, immoral ways to gain more of it. Not convinced? Watch a few episodes of American Greed.

Anyhow, back to the topic. What caused oil to collapse to $-40.00 a barrel? Simple. It was the collapse in demand, on a global scale. The largest oil consumers all saw a drop of at LEAST 50% in demand just in the first two weeks of March. Imagine where its at now, in April. Demand won't come back, not for at least another 2-months. Even if states open up, the people won't open with it. Fear has set in, and people's fear drives them. Remember, fear is the greatest emotion.

I see oil remaining below $30.00 for at least a few months. They have already cut production, it failed to increase the price. The only thing left at this point that guaranteed will boost prices is unfortunately, war. I believe we will see some sort of conflict soon, obviously in the Middle East. This will send gold, silver, and oil prices through the roof. Stock markets, bitcoin, will collapse as they have been doing together for the last 2 months. It's official, we're in a deflationary spiral.. and what I fear the Fed will do is put the economy into a hyper inflation. They've already used bazooka money, helicopter money, they are considering buying junk bonds, MGS.. this is total insanity.

I end this by a quote "When all else fails, they take you to war" Gerald Celente.

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