The CNS/USDT pair is still looking bearish as there is no volume coming in. They are making a migration to BSC but anyone can do that. At least it's not just a change to the code and is an actual token migration from the Tron network to the BSC network. I have not seen any good news in the Telegram that indicates huge buyers could potentially come in. The price just keeps dipping no matter how much people keep buying. As you can see in the chart, there may be a short term break out when the migration happens but I don't see much potential for this coin going forward. Basically a point of sale system, which has already been done. Nothing innovative as far as I read in the Telegram chat. Just a promise coin so far. Let's hope there is some real news and can actually break out of this decending pattern. Bearish.
The 3 waves on the smooth have crossed below the 200MA, which is not good. Hopefully I am incorrect on this but this could be going down even more long term. The product needs to hurry up. They're saying like in 2022 and world wide in 2024, RIP. Crypto moves fast and that is a long time. Not to sound too pessimistic but there is nothing good going on.
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