Cronos Group Inc. Common Share

CRON Vanguard Purchase - Cronos Group @$6.20 on 11/15/19

Got a Vanguard notification of a purchase this morning. I'd like to attempt to document, on the same day, all individual stock purchases for future reference and timing studies.
Purchases are Long-to-Ultra Long term holdings. This will not be one of my forever-holdings.
Companies purchased reflect positive outlooks on - Valuation, Growth potential, Technicals, and Future societal trends.

I want to make these public so that I keep myself honest by allowing everyone to view my winning trades and losing trades.
Sometimes months go by where I won't purchase anything, I have my limit orders preset. I wait for price to come to me.

Core Thesis:
- Cronos is the best company among it's industry peer group. Plus they're profitable, which cannot be said for many peers.
- I believe the industry is in the early growth stage.
- It's fallen 75% since the beginning of the year.
- Performance is uncorrelated from the broader market, with global operations - i.e. 'diversification'

Here we go?
Here we go ?
