How to retire at the age of 65 with more than 1 million

I am going to use an article for my analysis.

If you scroll down to the how to save 1m starting at age 25 tab; it says to save 158$ per month "assuming" a 10% return.

Now if you do the same without assuming, using my method, here's how you'll be guaranteed a million by investing 158$ per month into CRO.
CRO has a staking reward system like many other cryptocurrencies with a guaranteed % APY. CRO has return rates ranging from 10%-12% depending on the card that you get.

Now let's assuming that this chart plays out, from what I can see on this chart, there is a possible gain of 19875% ROI. I will not do the math for you, if someone else can, please do lol. What does this mean? You'll be guaranteed 1 million at the age of 65 with a 10% APY staking and even sooner with a 12% APY. At the rate that CRO will increase you can possibly retire even sooner as the coin continues to increase in value. .60 today and in 40 years its 11$. If it hits 11$ in 40 years that's almost 20 million you'll have. The 1 million at 65 was with the assumption of CRO being at .60 cents on a 10% APY.

The graph shows 2088 bars, 1 bar is 7 days since this is a weekly chart. 2088 x 7 = 14616 days. 14616/365 = 40 years.
Here's how you retire at 65 with 1 million dollars guaranteed and not assumed.

For Wakanda
Chart Update Zoomed in: For the first wave (1) zoomed in, we should see either of the two waves played out as shown below. Target points for the macro waves are 1.5-1.75 (1), 2.5-2.9 (3), and 4.3-4.5 (5). I will update this chart again after 3rd or the 5th wave hits

Trade active
Whether you're trading or holding & staking, what the chart above show is that we will certainly hit the purple wave (3) or light blue wave (5) sometime in the future which is the price point of around $2.5. If you plan your exit correctly, it does not matter when you get into CRO as long as you do not enter above the price of $2.5; You will be in profit. After 2.5 you should wait for a pullback or a correction before entering again or wait for the updated chart. This is not financial advice.
Chart PatternsCROcrousdCROUSDTretirementTrend AnalysisWave Analysis

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