CRWD VWAP bounce earnings coming LONG

By AwesomeAvani
CRWD reports on March 4th in the meanwhile in it is shown here on a 15 minute chart with

a Bollinger Band overlay. Price has trended from the upper bands down through the middle line

into the lower inner and outer bands where a reversal took place at the level of the mean

anchored VWAP band where the price fall was rejected with good support and wick touches

on the lower time frames. I see this as a set up for a new trend up in the run to earnings.

I will take a long trade of shares and call options. My easy target is the upper BB

bands but expect more than that in the upcoming week.
Trade active
Zoom-in of the VWAP bounce and trend reversal snapshot
Trade active
Price on the charts is scaled to 100 and not actual price- a bad habit of mine while doing analysis to normalize changes and calculate percentages without effort.
Trade active
Entries on zoom in of share chart snapshot
