CTRM Jumps Today Reports in the Morning

By AwesomeAvani
On the 15-minute chart, I see CTRM as being well-positioned among traders for

high volatility on the report of earnings. The pump today has printed a tight flag

pattern with consolidation this afternoon. If earnings are okay or even better I see

this penny stock making another 10-15% move just like today. If on the other hand,

if there is a miss, a drop of 5-8 % as a retracement could easily unfold ! The meat of

the matter, is reading the price action and volumes in the premarket and preparedness

overall. Stop loss 0.497 below the Doji candle. First target 10% second 15%
Order cancelled
Price ran 9% then trade close near the pivot high. There may be a long reentry after
the consolidation resolves. Bull pattern was seen so move to the watch list after the closure.
catalystCTRMgoldencrossgoldencrossoverhypemarinetransportationMoving AveragesOscillatorspreearningsVolume
