Cytodyn appears to be the "last man standing" amongst pharmaceutical treatments intended to stop the Cytokine storm that consumes severe COVID patients. It's Leronlimab trial is still anticipated to significantly reduce mortality and quickly get severe patients off ventilators when all competing drugs have fallen short of proving more than a few days reduced hospital stay. Other monoclonal antibodies like Regeneron's that attract the virus directly must be given within a few days of infection, and cannot help if given too late once patients reach severe state and enter hospital. Leronlimab interrupts the immune system's overreaction by blocking a key CCR5 receptor involved in signaling immune cells to migrate and inflame the lungs and other major organs. Cytodyn's trial finally completed enrollment of 390 patients this week, but the market must wait 4-6 weeks for patients to finish treatment and data to be analyzed. Price movement may be wholly anticipatory during this time and thus exhibit clean psychology and fractal dynamics.
CYDY built a huge, 5-wave bullish wedge flag correcting from $10 at end of June back to $1.62 in early November. With a bullish trend well underway since the II bottom in early November, we can begin to flesh out how the near-term fractal structure is likely to play out assuming nested linear channels for wave 1 of III. (Parabolic movements are more likely to play out next year as waves 3 and 5 of III after announcement of results or FDA approval). In this bullish scenario, corrections over the next several weeks are expected to stay above $4 as the $5-8 range is explored again.