By bagofXMR
First i want to talk you a bit about DASH.

Dash was first born a XCoin. XCoin is a "for profit" project started by Evan Duffield, that was looking for help at the end of december 2013.

After some problems with launch (lack of windows builds, some unexpected bugs etc) Xcoin is finally launched without anyone knowing what was going to make XCoin different to any other coin. At the launch moment only that it was a Bitcoin code clone was known.

And moreover, Evan said they were not launching in the next hours and then he did launch a couple hours later.

Two hours after launch, Evan offers 5000 XCoins for the windows binaries. Even if Evan was the only miner, 5000 tokens shouldn't haven't been mined yet. And still Evan "didn't find" anything wrong.

Everyone was noticing the huge rewards per block, but Evan "wasn't".

In the first hour, 500k tokens were mined. In the first 8 hours, 1.5M tokens were mined. In the first 3 days, 2M tokens were mined.

This happened due to a problem with difficulty readjustment, that only happened each 60 min and only allowed to be increased by 4. Also there was a problem with block rewards, that shouldn't had been so big.

Issue was allegedly noticed and solved in block 4502.

2121552 coins had been mined in 31 hours. You can check it in any block explorer, just go backwards from block 4501.

Evan could have solved this with a fair relaunch, a reverse stock split or by keeping the same scheudle and just make the coin supply bigger.

Still he decided to restore to originally planned settings for newcomer while keeping for him and his friends the clear advantage of having mined 500k coins (7% of the coins available today 13/03/2017) in the first hour, and up to 1.5M (21% of the coins available today 13/03/2017 in the next three.

It is obvious that even if not planned, this coins ended up in Evan's colleagues pockets, as it was a ninja launch with no windows builds.

And only then, once the emission issue was solved, Evan made public his plans for Xcoin.

One week later Xcoin was rebranded to DarkCoin, probably to try to disconnect the project from the ninja launch and the huge instamine that could even considered a classic premine. Though Evan knows the proofs are out there, so he doesn't deny that the premine actually happened. Read here about his thoughts about the premine.

So let's say Evan and colleagues pocketed about 1M coins in this madness.

Then they came out with their innovation: masternodes. Masternodes are stakeholders of DASH that lock 1000 DASH in order to have a vote in the "DASH democracy". This masternodes also provide of services to the network, besides governance: InstantSend (a function to get a confirmed transaction in just 1 or 2 seconds) and PrivateSend (basically a CoinJoin feature to obscure the track of your coins). For all these services, masternodes are rewarded with 45% of mining rewards.

Then used this 1M coins to setup 1000 masternodes, and then collect a nice cut of the 45% of mining rewards that masternodes get. They basically hoarded most of the DASH supply.

Currently there are 4200 masternodes locking 4.2M coins out of 7.1M coins.

This explains the illiquidity in DASH markets and the HUGE lending fees in the lending markets.

The illiquidity combined with the high lending fees make of DASH a market easy to be pumped.
This also combined with the ability to use DASH tokens as collateral to borrow BTC and buy more DASH have made of DASH a never ending pump. Until people realize it.

It is the same as every bubble. Everyone is over invested and only a small blow will make the castle come down.

Shorting is risky, 'cause you have to pay huge lending fees and face to an iliquid market.

So this is mainly an advice to those thinking about longing DASH or buying into it: you are buying into a market primed to eventually crash.
Said this, i also reckon the positive things about DASH:
-They have a nice financing system, as 10% of every block rewards is saved in what they call the "treasury", that then masternodes decide how to allocate to promote and improve DASH
-They are focused in user-friendliness, something that crypto's usually forget and it is certainly key to go mainstream.
-Their instant send works as charm.


But, does all this justify a 500% bullrun in 3 months? Feel free to comment your opinion.

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