
By Noobincrypt
Can you find all the bullish patterns and reversals on the chart?
Ive been in this for a while, and have been shilling to friends for, i dunno, maybe a couple weeks.
Ive always liked dash.... yes i know it doesnt have as good anon as xmr and zec. At least dash had a gui and instant send for a while, and governed funding ideas (yah i know the instamine).
Fundamentally if dash can get its evolution working well, I do see a breakout of 023, up to 06x+ or so in the mid term, maybe a couple months or so. Imagine one nice GUI with a friends list, instant payments, anon payments, and a Dash drive, all with your encrypted files on it, all in one place. Sounds too good to be true. Plus, the masternode network for submitting proposals. My bags are full and ive shilled enough. Good luck. Please sideways or down btc to make this a reality.
BTC rekt this originally. Were now in an channel thats still going down. Based on previous breakouts up on this type of thing, Im holding from around where the last bottoms held and have been buying more on the way up. Not sure what Ill do around the current down trendline.
