$dash same fractal as before puts us near 1k by eoy

By Noobincrypt
I see zec, and this going ~x3 usd, be alright with btc x2 from here. I know, lots of bullish sentiment so may not happen, for now tho i will chart the bull case.
also, notice the long term usd channel that broke upwards to new levels. I expect the same from btcusd, though not sure when.
sorta back in the old bullish channal. lets see if we bounce off this for more down/sideways. The long term trend is up, and I expect that to continue. The rather large sym triangle break down is sometimes a fakeout on these large scales, in the event its real tho targets down would be around 100$ or so from here if we broke the 220$ old bullish channel. If up, no limit.
this is insane honestly, after you take profit on xcp, dash, and i dunno how much more of this, plz dont forget things like omni, fldc, xrp, zec, all that stuff is going to do what every alt does, just please get out before the drop (dunno when that is but I would expect blow off top - ie get the hell out of everything- around 1500)
there yah go!
this lost around 90% of its value.
buy and hold and legit do nothing until this is 5k
look for my most recent chart, and check some other long term projections through the list.
looking at the last 2 bubbles on this chart above, i think we have bottomed, or VERY close to it. now just sideways and up, worst case we go ~133$ or so imo.
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