Databtc 2022 price projection

Streamr(DATA) is launching new features in 2022 including staking data coins. This is a web 3.0 project (decentralized P2P real-time data pub/sub network) which you can create nice applications. 130K nodes have participated in the recent testnet, which shows good community support. In addition, according to the CEO the latency was only 350ms. This is a promising number for a web 3.0 project because it is hard to scale a decentralized network for technical reasons.

The chart is looking good for the midterm. There is a good possibility that the price will perform a butterfly pattern. Commodity channel index supports the idea by making a falling wedge that indicates a bullish sign for the coming months.

In order for this to happen we should not enter a big bear market due to some economic crisis. If the markets go well for the next 6 months, I think there is a very good possibility that this analysis will work.

Trade active
The January is approaching so is the Brubeck network update. Data is still in a buy zone. I am holding this coin until my target is reached.
Chart PatternsDATABTCdecentralizedFundamental Analysisp2pweb3
