DAX, will it recover?

Hi there, this is my first analysis here on tradingwiew so please don't judge me, yet! ;)

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(German Stock Index DAX) Support around 8977 has been used three times before and every time MACD and StoS has confirm a bottom. Right now we can see a similar behavior as the last times, will it continue to rise even when the Index has fall through it's long term trendchannel?

To observe, the MA200 is nearly horizontal which you should keep in mind! Right now the signals is really scattered so I personally would wait and observe for a several days.
It will be really interesting to see the reaction when Index is moving closer to the trendchannel again.

Of curse you can find me on Twitter! twitter.com/frokenbors
Homepage: frokenbors.se
DAX Indexfrokenbors

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