Dent Double Breakout

By Crypto-By-Ghazi

In the 4-hour timeframe of Dentusdt, we have observed a double breakout. The symmetrical pattern was initially broken, followed by the bullish flag pattern. This double breakout indicates a potential bullish move in the near future. The breakout has happened successfully, and the price is expected to rise by 30-50% in the upcoming days. Traders can consider entering long positions to take advantage of the bullish move, but it's important to manage the risk properly. We suggest placing stop-loss orders to protect your investment in case the price drops unexpectedly. Keep a close eye on the price action and volume to confirm the bullish trend's continuation.

Nice movement
Chart PatternscryptoDENTUSDTdentusdtanalysisdentusdtlongDENTUSDTPERPTrend AnalysisWave Analysis
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