This is the end, my only friend

By ECGTrader
The world is at it's breaking point economically. Printing money has run it's course. Inflation has arrived and is proving to not be temporary. The vaccine is cracking, the virus is breaking through. The UK just had a petrol crisis. Australia has gone full 1984 police state. Biden is at the wheel facing a debt default, refusing to ask for directions... likely preoccupied thinking about his next ice cream. Trudeau scraped through with a minority government after his recent attempt at gaining a majority, he has doubled down on his resolve to put the final nail in Canada's coffin with his never ending debt and Marxism. Germany just voted socialist. Doom is in the air my friends.

The markets are starting the parabolic top and are now entering Denali National Park, home of the bears. March 2020 was the warm up but hope remained that this global crisis could be short and the market could rebound if it lasted only the year, with the help of more money printing of course. Well almost two years on, the media is still full bore c19 fear porn and mass lay offs around the world have happened for vaccine refusers including HCWer's. The virus has long since established itself... the hope of a short crisis has faded. Nothing short of the US raising the debt ceiling, could short term reverse this sentiment but even that cannot stop the impending dump forever. I have yet to see any light at the end of this tunnel and the market thus far has not been an accurate reflection of the state of the world economy. All I see is cheap loans pumping stocks and all I hear is the money printer going BRRRRR but it seems to have found a ceiling.

Even if I prove to be wrong, the smart money knows when to sit on the side lines and watch when uncertainty hits. This is one of those moments in my opinion. Best of luck friends. Godspeed.
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