They're all blaming the meltdown on the virus...

By MrRenev
Looking at the numbers, if the establishment - and this includes Trump - are right, stocks should have gone down 9500% in 1918.

Now everything is shutdown so earnings will go down you might argue. During the spanish flu many american and euopean cities were in shutdown, businesses were closed, I don't have the exact numbers but I know many of the largest cities shutdown. Oh and most deaths weren't old and sick people, the majority of deaths occured in the 15-40 years old range, workers. Masks were mandatory in alot of places. Public gatherings were banned... Looks pretty similar...
A difference: Walks and breaths of fresh air were also encouraged to help stave off infection.

1 quarter of the planet getting sick and tens of millions dying is a big deal.

Every time they find some news to use as scapegoat, AFTER a move, always, they find something, some reason for the price going up or down.
It's hilarous.
They bring these economists on tv that are wrong all the time, and look at the news to make explanations, they make those risible arguments.
I could not be on tv because I'd crack up, how do people not see this? They always come up with made up random reasons for something, and so why didn't those reason have the same result other times? They're like BTC mouth breathers that were calling for new highs when the "big institutional futures are launched" which was of course the top so at least it had some impact.
The funniest one was consensus "last consensus it went up" after the previous consensus the price went up and noobs self proclaimed experts just went "duh well happened at the same time duh must be a consequence" of course I made fun of that call and told everyone it would be a flop, was ignored mostly, insulted a bit, made fun of. Aaaaand I was absolutely right as usual ;)

It's not exactly the same thing (not looking for a reason but expecting something) but reminds me of the mighty bakkt bull market LOL I told the bagholders it would fall shortly after the launch... "You have no clue what you are talking about if you actually think the price will fall" they used magnet logic I don't even remember the ridiculous claims the baggies were making, they sure were persuaded of being right thought and sure were many of them:

Now they are expecting a big reaction to "The Halving™", my prediction is a big reaction when the price Halving happens. Going to be right as usual. Last 2 halvings the price went up and they randomly decided the halvings were the reason because magnet logic. And again "you have no clue how this works it's impossible for the price to not go up" and "put your money where your mouth is" and magnets.

There was 1 thing missing in this everything bubble, 2018 was too early for the crash, and we now have had this 1 missing thing: The retail euphoria phase.
Wasn't that violent, but a bit, with all the robinbros, and the "keep buying it will always go up if you bought 20 years ago you made 20% averaged" dogma.

You have to be a skeptic to make money. And have common sense. So much more than others. So much more that it's impossible to find on the internet a list of stupid claims by tv to explain stock market moves.
Have to learn this on your own.

What is certain is economists and tv shows and journals and every one have absolutely no clue on anything, their odds of being right about what fundamentals drive a market are the same as if we'd ask a monkey, their top and bottom calls are more wrong than a monkey throwing darts at a target, they are super bad super wrong and nothing they say should be taken seriously.

Incompetent dum dums wrong about everything all the time have power over our lives so that part isn't very funny, but smart people can play around it, deal with it.

The ponzi is bursting from everywhere and they can't find enough duck tape to close all the holes. I will laugh hysterically when they try to blame everything on the Coronavirus. I will start crying when I see dumb money and other random stupid people believe it all.

I want to add:
There is no place in this business for people that do not want to spend daily hours reading & accumulating a ton of info and sorting throught it.
CNBC is the answer to all the lazy people that want to shortcut the path to success. THERE IS NO SHORTCUT TO SUCCESS.
The only shortcut is the shortcut to failure.

It is not hard to make it without critical sense and without spending time reading analysing and memorising, it is IMPOSSIBLE.
It cannot be done at all. Non negociable, it is 100% absolutely impossible (unless you have insider info or a crystal ball).
I saw a chart of deaths in france for the past 40 years, we can spot the sanitary crisis.
For example, there is a big spike in August 2003 (there was a heat wave).
There's big spikes for every crisis.
Covid-19 does not even register.
This year is actually quite low, previous years had alot more deaths by flu complications.
Lockdown might have helped, althought before lockdown numbers were already pretty low.

You can argue with me about emotions, whine that I hurt people feelings, that I am not gentle enough. But you cannot argue with me about truth. I am never wrong.
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