Dow Jones globally will fall due to the north node cycle

DJI globally will fall, because the Gann square of 20, built for the New York Stock Exchange indicates the date 2023 (reversal), and since on the monthly chart is now flat, and the market is at high prices, then a fall is more than likely. In 2024, a global strongest crisis is expected in another astrological cycle. There was already a similar crisis in 2008, and then the same cycle worked.

The fall may begin both now and by the second half of 2024, as they can still pump money, or at least say everywhere that there is no stronger economy in the world than the American one, and this will delay the fall for some time.

It will be possible to speak about the end of the crisis no earlier than the beginning of 2028.
Beyond Technical AnalysiscrisisDJIdjiaforecastdjianalysisdjiapredictiondjishortGannKondratieff Wave
АстроТрейдинг | Александр Ли
